[nagdu] one more time
Ann Edie
annedie at nycap.rr.com
Sun Feb 6 10:53:17 UTC 2011
Go Stepper!
We're certainly all rooting for you! You have shown such great
determination and put in such monumental effort already that you surely
deserve the reward of complete success as well as wide public recognition!
Wishing you All the very Best,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stepper" <stepper12 at cableone.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 3:46 AM
Subject: [nagdu] one more time
> Hi to all listers.
> This is Stepper once more.
> Those of you that know me from being here on and off for years, and those
> that don't I will give some background to this writing tonight.
> First of all I have been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to
> decide if I really wanted to say anything right now or not?
> I have come to I can't stand it another minute.
> But first, for those that are new to this list.
> I have been working on recovering from multiple cancers, and all the
> horrendous treatments that go in to that.
> Plus as a result of all this, my back is trashed after being pretty much
> home bound, and bed ridden for almost eight years.
> I have been working towards my recovery as far as building my strength
> back up for the last couple of years now.
> I have had two dogs for a total of 17 years.
> I haven't had a dog since 98.
> I have tried twice for guide dogs from GDB in the last 5 years, and failed
> both times.
> Both times I failed because I wasn't strong enough. but didn't realize
> until making the trips first to the Oregon campus, and the second the
> California campus.
> I after getting to each because the trips themselves took my strength
> right out of me, and I couldn't recover once there to continue.
> My last try was almost a year ago to California during Spring break at the
> end of March in to the month of April.
> What has made the difference now for me is this.
> I have a pain pump for my back for the last couple of years.
> The drug in it was and is Dalottid, which is 100 times more powerful than
> Morphine.
> Plus I was taking after getting my pump still Narco 10.5, of three to four
> a day, and it wasn't enough.
> What has now changed all this, is now I have a new non narcotic drug that
> is, and this is no mistake, is "one thousand times" more powerful than
> Morphine.
> Its made from what started out as from the venom of a south seas snail
> believe it or not.
> You can look this up on the Medtronic's web site.
> It has taken months to get this wonder med to where it started working,
> because they have to give it in such small amounts or it will really screw
> you up.
> Fast forward now.
> I now, and have for several months been getting better every month.
> I can walk a couple miles, and during that time walking I stop at street
> corners and do 10 to 15 push ups each block, at the beginning and end of
> each block.
> That can mean getting in from 150 to 200 push ups in a walk.
> Plus at home in my home gym, Where I have the following equipment, in a
> separate building in my back yard which is also my office space.
> My building is 10 by 20 feet.
> Its totally finished as a office would be.
> My exercise equipment is. Which I can use once again is.
> 1. Nordic Track Elliptical which is electronic, and will tilt up to 30
> degrees, and 10 resistant levels.
> 2. A York Stepper with upper body levers.
> 3. A Shwinn Air Dine that I rode 3256 miles in 2010. It has 21856 miles on
> it since 1985.
> 4. Nordic Track Skier
> 5. York weight machine with butterfly and leg attachments.
> 6. A Minnie trampoline.
> I have my computer TV and all that stuff across the far end of my
> office/gym.
> I also am working out an hour now daily, and plus in my workout every five
> minutes I change equipment, and drop down and do 15 push ups throughout my
> workout, which is about 150 a workout.
> The next I do weights, for 30 minutes after warming up.
> This time in 2009 I weighed 210 pounds and was 28 percent body fat.
> Today I am 165 pounds and 15 percent body fat.
> Ladies and gentleman I am not telling you all this to brag, I am trying to
> show what this new miracle new drug called Prealt has done for me.
> Its unbelievable!
> Please! If you have back trouble that seems beyond help write me, and I
> will send you a article written by my pain doctor about this stuff.
> I have three crushed disks, two bulgingdisks, and ten of my twelve faset
> joints are fractured. Fasets joints is what your hips hangs off of. A
> surgeon will not touch me, none of them.
> I am getting my life back!
> I am 64 years old.
> By the way I am now after 10 years off Narco but for a pill once in a
> while meaning several days.
> I tell you all this to tell you this.
> Tonight I was the speaker at a meeting where I told my story of recovery,
> of about 120 people I was told.
> I haven't been able to stand for 45 minutes in once spot for more then 10
> years.
> But I was able to do this tonight.
> While up on stage I for the first time surprised my wife by telling her I
> had a surprise for her.
> What she didn't know, was I had applied at GDB once more on October 8th
> 2010.
> I felt if there was going to be a turn around, after all the time and
> money they had put in to me, GDB should be able to get the miricle story
> of this if I can do it. I told her at the end of my talk that in two
> weeks, on Feb. 19, at 9 a.m. I was to have a home visit, interview, and
> yes, Juno walk from GDB for the third time, to see if I couldn't receive
> home training for a guide dog.
> My wife started crying, I started crying, and she came up on stage and we
> held each other crying together and laughing.
> The place went nuts!
> Without her knowing I had worked through it with GdB on the computer, and
> asked that they not call my house because she would see the number on
> caller I.D. and wonder way GDB was calling.
> I haven't have told a soul but for my best friend including my three
> children because I just if it doesn't work out didn't want to go through
> all that with them one more time.
> I have sworn my wife to not saying anything as well.
> I know this was pretty long, but thought I may encourage someone out there
> not to give up no matter what.
> You know, there's only so much diing you can do before diing."
> Thanks, and please think about me with this third chance, which is known
> at times, the third chance is the charm
> Stepper
> stepper12 at cableone.net.
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