[nagdu] Now I know WAS RE: What do you do when...
Lisa belville
missktlab1217 at frontier.com
Sun Feb 6 20:09:23 UTC 2011
Oh they use mulch like that here. It really does smell like a combination
of number two, something decomposing and someone doing something very
illegal in their garage. Glad you got it sorted out, though. <grin>
The handle on my recliner apparently doesn't qualify as an exercise
machine...who knew ?
Lisa Belville
missktlab1217 at frontier.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tamara Smith-Kinney" <tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 1:17 AM
Subject: [nagdu] Now I know WAS RE: What do you do when...
> So poison control was the right first call, suggested police nonemergency
> for an air check, which I had considered but didn't know if that was the
> thing to do or not... So I did that, a couple of officers came out to
> sniff
> the air or whatever else and agreed that there was indeed a very strong
> odor...
> Which they identified as mulch. /lol/ The minute they said that, I could
> identify the blend of odors and realized that indeed that was what I was
> smelling. Kinda nasty mulch, but just mulch. Of course, I had taken
> Mitzi
> into the front yard where it wasn't as strong about the time they showed
> up,
> so she barked a time or two when one of them spoke to me, which woke up
> Daisy, which woke up Wayne anyway. So he came out, heard the mulch
> diagnosis and took a deep whiff. Oh, he agreed. That would be mulch.
> So now I feel relieved to feel very very very stupid for calling out the
> authorities to sniff the air for that horrible poison that was going to
> kill
> my dog the minute she had to go out to do her business, which turned out
> to
> be just nasty mulch. She'll live, but I'm kinda mortified. /grin/
> Happy the nearby neighbors haven't taken up cooking meth, too. No thank
> you.
> Tami Smith-Kinney
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Tamara Smith-Kinney
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 10:14 PM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: [nagdu] What do you do when...
> You go out into the still night air on the back porch and breathe in
> before
> sitting down to light up a nice relaxing smoke... Then stick your head
> back
> in the door to rant at your roommate to come see if *he* can figure out
> what
> that smell is because it is *wrong* and you need a second opinion about
> whether something needs to be done about it...
> I couldn't identify the smell, but after going through a number of
> unpleasant options that wafted through my mind (with unfortunate visual
> imagery) and ruling them out, I sat down and lit up thinking my own fumes
> would cover it. So then I decided to wander out back to see if there was
> any difference there. Honed in on my sense of smell now. Cigarette smoke
> really stinks if you stop and think about it. /smile/ I came in to
> report
> further on my findings and what my brain kept telling me it might be (if
> you've ever been camping and walked past poorly buried human waste, you
> know
> the closest odor I could come up).
> So DD came out and stuck his head out the door. Not raw sewage, he
> agreed.
> Not somebody smoking pot (preferred option), not garbage, not one of those
> (expletive deleted) kids taking a dump on our yard... Nope! Smells like
> drugs, alright. Smells like someone's cooking.
> Did I mention absolutely still air here this evening? It is really,
> really
> close! My first thought was that if they blow up our house when they
> finally get around to blowing up theirs, I am going to be really
> (expletive
> deleted). Especially if our dogs get singed!
> So off to bed went he with his dog, having agreed that there is nothing to
> be done except feel vaguely unhappy and disgruntled about it. So I
> decided
> to just get on with that solution, checked on my dog and gave her our
> usual
> after everybody else is in bed rub and sweet talk, then out of habit went
> out to see if I could talk myself into relaxing again, especially my
> muscles, which still need a lot of coaxing to stay happy....
> It's worse! My throat is still burning, even after I just sacrficed the
> cigarette and came indoors. Absolutely furious, because it had suddenly
> occurred to me:
> Pretty soon my *guide dog* is going to walk through that to do her
> business.
> In the morning, both dogs are going to walk through that to do their
> business... Insert expletive deletes to taste.
> The solution this evening is to take Mitzi out the front door when she's
> ready to do her thing before bed. That's not so good an option with
> Daisy,
> since we -- and pretty much everyone -- we keep her in the fenced part of
> the yard unless big strong DD is holding her leash. She does okay these
> days in Halti, which I guess I need to find hers for morning, but DD does
> *not* like it when I take her out even then just in case she gets loose.
> She's doing really well these days, a sweet sweet angel, but... She *is*
> Daisy, and fear aggression is forever.
> More cusswords, please! If it affects me, I don't want either of my 50
> pound dogs breathing it in! And one of them *is* my guide dog. I am so
> ...
> you know, the expletives and all.
> Does anyone anywhere know what one is to do in these situations? Can I
> expect anything to happen (beyond snide laughter on the other end of the
> phone) if I call law enforcement to tell them I smell something nasty and
> I'm afraid it will hurt my guide dog (or me, but I'm pretty sure my throat
> will recover...). What about poison control? I'm not sure what they're
> supposed to tell me, but it's clearly toxic, so that would be poison,
> right?
> Okay.. Also, apparently my computer is have a serious senior moment while
> I
> am typing fast, so I went to check my search results and discovered enough
> letters were missing from my search query, that Google wanted to know if I
> meant pain control... Which is what I need to be doing right now and
> which
> does not involve being uptight about poison in the air, thank you for
> point
> that out. /lol/
> Suggestions welcome! Meanwhile, I'd better take this rant away from
> keyboard before I start forgetting to deleting my expletives!
> Oh, if anyone has some of those to add to my existing supply, let me know!
> I'm bored with my own repertoire just now. /grin/
> Tami Smith-Kinney
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Tamara Smith-Kinney
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:11 PM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Getting back your cane legs
> Only when there are lots of people around when I'm doing it. /lol/ Or is
> that just because these days I only use a cane to shop and go around the
> shopping center while I'm waiting for my poodle to get her hair done?
> /lol/
> In cane anyone is wondering, my cane sucks at the "find" command. One day
> I
> was thinking especially hard about where the aisle I wanted was in
> relation
> to where I was standing and got really mad at my cane for not obeying
> "Forward! Left!"
> Then again, DD starts giving me the guide dog commands to tell me which
> way
> to go when we're doing whatever it is together. /lol/ Tami, forward.
> Okay, now, left. Halt! I said *HALT*! Left. /lol/ Now I know how
> Mitzi
> feels. I'd bite me if I were her. I might bite him at those time if I
> had
> her teeth. Teehee.
> Tami Smith-Kinney
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Cindy Ray
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 4:52 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: [nagdu] Getting back your cane legs
> I had a lot more trouble adjusting from a cane to a dog, but even now it
> isn't too difficult for me to switch to the cane. I rarely do because the
> great doctor to whom I used to be married said to me before I got my first
> dog, "When you are getting a dog, you need to think of all the places you
> would rather not use it or think it would be difficult and then do it."
> Now
> I know there are places where this is inappropriate counsel, and, of
> course,
> I think he did, too, but he was saying if you are going to have a dog, use
> it. I miss the dog when he isn't with me much as I would miss my child,
> and
> I miss the tug on the left side. That's partly why the awkward feeling.
> Has
> anyone ever given his/her cane commands?
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