[nagdu] Question about taking off work to go get a guide dog
rainshadowmusic at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 6 19:13:57 UTC 2011
Hello Mike:
I probably represent the worse case scenario. I'm a contract social worker which means I have no paid leave. the best I can do is work extra days to create a buffer for hours as long as I'm on budget targets at the end of our fiscal year. This means I probably lost about half a months wages. Luckily I was able to work extra days in the couple of months leading up to my class date. I'm a part time worker which also makes this possible. I also set things up so I could do some work remotely on the computer but, too be honest, I only billed for about 8 hours. I found myself usually wiped out after the class day ended and by the time I talked with my girlfirend and did a bit of blogging I didn't have any energy for real work. I was surprised how tired I was at the end of each day.
Too me, it seems wrong for people to have to use up their holidays to go and do something that is so important and not a holiday. Not too mention, having some holiday time during the first 3 months with the new puppy is probably good for both of you.
----- Original Message -----
Date: Thursday, January 6, 2011 10:48 am
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Question about taking off work to go get a guide dog
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Mike,
> Nosy question here but did your policy at GDB require employees
> to get a GDB dog?
> I also had my time count as training. If your company teaches
> anything that a person could use at home i.e. Excel, then you've
> got a good case.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of Michael Hingson
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:35 PM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Question about taking off work to go get a
> guide dog
> Hi Tonia,
> You raise an interesting question many of us have faced. I
> worked at Guide
> Dogs for the Blind for more than six years and even there we
> were presented
> with this issue. When an employee needed to get a new
> guide the first
> inclination of HR was to charge leave. After some
> discussion HR decided to
> require the use of vacation time. Most of the blind
> employees felt that
> since using a guide dog was necessary and invaluable for travel
> that we
> pushed back and said that getting a guide dog was like any other
> educationor training that an employee needed for their
> job. Of course, the education
> was emphasized at GDB due to the fact that the particular
> employee and all
> of us worked there.
> After further research the HR department acquiesced and in fact
> agreed that
> obtaining a guide dog was relevant and a reasonable
> accommodation for its
> blind employees and thus not only did not charge leave but paid
> regularwages while the employee was getting a new guide
> dog. The employee, for
> their part, did some work during off hours.
> I have heard of other employers taking this same position.
> There is not, to
> my knowledge, any specific law president which makes the GDB
> approach a
> certainty, but I suggest marshaling your thoughts and forces and
> take the
> position that this particular training and education is good for
> your job.
> Since you are in a rehabilitation arena I would think you could
> make a good
> case.
> Mike Hingson
> The Michael Hingson Group, INC.
> "Speaking with Vision"
> Michael Hingson, President
> (415) 827-4084
> info at michaelhingson.com
> To learn more about my upcoming book, speaking topics and speaking
> availability please visit www.michaelhingson.com
> Thunder Dog is now available for early ordering on Amazon!!!
> http://www.amazon.com/Thunder-Dog-Blind-Triumph-
> Ground/dp/140020304X/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1289090352&sr=1-3
> for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:
> http://knfbreader.michaelhingson.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf
> Of Tonia Gatton
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 6:03 PM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nagdu] Question about taking off work to go get a
> guide dog
> Hi all! My name is Tonia and I am a long time
> federationist. After
> procrastinating for many years, I recently applied to get a
> guide dog from
> the Seeing Eye. I actually had my home visit this
> afternoon and I'm hoping
> to go for training this spring or summer. I'm so excited!
> Anyway, my question for you guys is how you handled taking
> nearly 4 weeks
> off work. I work full time as a rehab teacher with a state
> agency; so my
> employer is familiar with the process. What I don't have a
> clear
> understanding of though is whether or not I'll have to use my
> own leave for
> the time I'm away at training; or, if they are required to give
> me some sort
> of medical leave with pay. Due to various personal health
> issues as well as
> having to care for family members with chronic illnesses and
> cancer in
> recent years, I currently do not have much accumulated
> sick or annual
> leave. Therefore, if I had to use my own leave to go for
> training, I'd have
> to put it off for several months in order to build up my leave
> balance;
> especially since like most, I can not afford to take 4 weeks off
> without
> pay.
> I've heard a lot of different prospectives on the leave
> situation. I'd just
> like to find out from you all as to if there are any ADA
> guidelines
> regarding this matter; and how your employer's dealt with your
> needing to
> take time off for guide dog training.
> Thanks so much!
> Tonia
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