[nagdu] guide dog equipment

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Mon Jan 10 13:45:59 UTC 2011

Both my dogs are on Canidae for All Life Stages, and doing well.  Neither
of them had any trouble with the changeover, as I recall, though it was a
long time ago.  My roughly 55-pound dogs are eating 2 cups a day, if that

People speak well of the Pawpower Creations harnesses, and they also sell
collars.  I think LDS Leather also sells harnesses, but I think they're
more expensive.
sitstay.com also has collars and leashes, and clothes too, I think. 
Though, in my experience, a lab only needs maybe a raincoat, possibly
boots, and possibly a sweater or something, if it gets really cold.  I
think Ben's worn his sweater maybe twice in 4 years.

> Hi all.
> I am looking into purchasing a few things for Kip and wanted
> recommendations.
> Types of things i'm looking for are.
> collars, both nylon, chain, and no slip.
> harness
> harness handle
> clothing to fit a labrador like coat, boots, jackets, t-shirts,
> hoodies, sweaters.
> leashes
> I'm also looking for suggestions on food. He's currently eating purina
> one chicken and rice and is doign well, but he's needing like 4 cups a
> day to keep him at the right weight, and i'd like to feed something a
> bit healthier. I tried blue buffalo and wellness blue buffalo fish and
> sweet potatoe and wellness chicken, and both gave him very loose
> stools even after a week of being on them exclusively and I had done a
> proper change over of about a week to a week and a half.
> Any other helpful products you can suggest would also be helpful.
> Any places to get nicely priced nylabones or other good bones would be
> good as well.
> We're a pretty new team and I'd just like to get a few more things.
> I'd like the harness so that our nice one from teh school doesn't get
> all banged up and we can use it for special outings.
> Jessica
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