[nagdu] carrying white cane
rainshadowmusic at shaw.ca
Thu Jul 14 20:35:39 UTC 2011
This is slightly related to the email I'm responding to. :) I like to have a cane with me even when I have Bogart for several reasons. The most notable I've come across is having to use public washrooms. Really need a cane to find things rather than ones hands or feet.
Has anyone rigged up a way of carrying a cane on the harness? I was thinking of getting a longish ID cane so it would be light and thin but would serve in case of emergency. I was hoping I could fit it in his harness pouch but I think even my short ID cane is too long. Has anyone thought up something ingenious that they would like to share?
----- Original Message -----
From: Tami Kinney <tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:06 am
Subject: Re: [nagdu] attachment or anxiety separation
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Bibi,
> Wow. You sure have beeen through a lot recently. That alone, or
> so it
> seems to me, would make anyone more prone to anxiety in general. As
> would being without a white cane! I did once go for a time
> without a
> white cane after I lost my very first one somehow, so now I have a
> zillion canes and need to get to ordering a spare straight cane,
> as well
> as a new pocket cane, whether it's a telescoping nfb cane or a light
> foldup ambutech. /lol/ I trust my guide now and use her
> exclusively for
> nearly everything, but I don't want to get stuck without a dog
> or cane
> ever again! /lol/
> I haven't yet had to find out how I will cope with my guide's
> retirement, and I plan not to for another 5 or 6 years at the very
> least. Still... I feel very sad and get a twinge of separation anxiety
> just thinking about it. Heck, I get separation anxiety just
> leaving her
> at the groomers. Sad, but true. /smile/
> Hope your new cane arrives soon, and good on Dale for being your
> eyes in
> the meantime. My then-husband was, well, useless and also made a big
> deal about expressing the extent to which he just didn't know
> what my
> problem was and that I should just not go to work until a new cane
> arrived, but it was no hurry, there was some reason he was interfering
> with my attempts to acquire a new one, I can't even remember
> what it
> was. Thus, he is now the ex-husband. Argh! I did manage to get
> my hands
> on a support cane, which was better than nothing but not at all
> the same
> and it was too short, so it actually made life more difficult,
> especially since there was snow on the ground at the time, all nicely
> packed down even on the sidewalks and all icy and limpy, so... Well,
> having friends with brains around helped many times but I am
> glad you
> also have a cooperative , even helpful partner to assit in
> covering the
> gap. /smile/
> Best to you both, and to Odie as well.
> Tami
> On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 07:55 -0600, Criminal Justice Major
> Extraordinairewrote:
> > Hi, all,
> > Have any of you felt that big attachment toward your retired
> guide dog and
> > experienced anxiety separation?
> > It seems like I've been experiencing that lately and was
> hoping I wouldn't
> > be the only one.
> > I've found myself feeling all of that, especially when Odie is
> left at home.
> > On Saturday, Dale and I went to see a Cinderrella play live
> that my step
> > sister Sarah was in.
> > It was held in the theater inside the King Center on Auraria
> campus and
> > total amount of people was probably four hundred.
> > There was no way that Odie was probably going to handle it, so
> the hard
> > decision was to leave him at home for me at least.
> > While Dale and I were out with family, that's when it all hit me.
> > Yesterday was a different story however.
> > Odie was in his medical alert service dog vest walking with my
> husband.> I was using my support cane and walking ahead of the
> two men slowly and
> > carefully.
> > Odie began to move faster upon trying to bolt out in front of me.
> > I think he still felt that he needed to be my eyes and was
> concerned that I
> > was going to get hurt.
> > I'm in the process of getting a new fold up white cane through
> Ambutech.> unfortunately I had lost my current one, especially
> after the convulsive
> > grandmal seizures I dealt with two months in a row.
> > Thankfully, my husband told me he'd happily be my eyes until I
> can get my
> > replacement folding cane and be matched with a successor partner.
> > Bibi
> >
> >
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