[nagdu] dogs with transportation
Sherry Gomes
sherriola at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 14:56:56 UTC 2011
I almost always have the opposite problem. I have to sit in the bulkhead,
because my right knee is fused, and I can't sit in a regular row of seats.
My most recent retired guide, Bianca, is terrified of flying, and the only
time she had a reasonably ok time was on a small 50 seat plane. The seat
next to me was empty, and she curled up under the seat in front of me and
slept the whole way.
last year, when I flew home to Colorado from some job training in Florida,
the seats were in a regular row of seats, and I could not fit there. It was
a darn 757, so the emergency row is the exit row, and I was really beginning
to think they'd either have to move me up to first class or make me take a
different flight. Instead, they shuffled people around and gave me the
entire row by myself. I was able to sit sideways, at an angle and put my
leg on the seat next to me. But it was aggravating and frustrating, not to
mention the hassle for the people originally seated there, who had to move,
and quite embarrassing. my current guide, Olga, doesn't mind flying, so she
just stretched out in front of the three seats and slept.
Still, though I never pre announce that I have a dog, I do request a
bulkhead and explain about my knee and that I can't fit in a normal row of
seats, but they don't always pay attention. Thank goodness I'm only five
feet tall, because if I was tall, I don't think I could sit anywhere on a
plane with a fused knee.
The whole thing comes down to the fact that we should be given choice in our
seating, as every other passenger has, not be told we must sit in bulkheads
because we have dogs, or cannot sit in them because we have dogs--yeah, I
was told that once too.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Wayne Merritt
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 8:46 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] dogs with transportation
I was on a full flight coming back from the Orlando convention, and
one of the flight attendants was asking me if my 65 pound German
Sheperd could curl up in a ball. I told her probably not. I could tell
that she didn't want to move me from the bulkhead but she also knew
that she was going to have to do something since the flight was nearly
full. I'm not sure that the attendant was thinking totally clearly
though, since she asked if I could strech my legs out in the bulkhead.
I'm a tall guy with long legs, and I pointed this out to her, saying
that between my long legs and my dog's long legs, no can do. She asked
the same thing again, trying to rephrase it, and I then said, "Look,
there's a wall in front of me," which I tapped with one foot a couple
of times. I offered several times to sit somewhere else, insisting
that the dog could slide under the seat in front of me. When asked if
the dog would mind or could do that, I said, "Well, she doesn't like
it but she can lay on her side and fit under there." She was reluctant
so I said, "Let's try it and see." Still she was reluctant, so I
finally said, "Okay, let's get a ruler and measure. Let's see just how
much space there is for her at the bulkhead and under a regular seat."
This seemed to put it in perspective for her. truth be told, once I
got settled and once my designer dog (named Gucci for the new
subscribers) was settled, both of us quickly fell asleep. So I'm not
sure that the arrangement bothered Gucci all that much, :)
Wayne and gucci, the designer dog
On 7/30/11, Cindy Ray <cindyray at gmail.com> wrote:
> They think the bulkhead has the most room. These little planes with the
> seat on the left side (as facing ahead) are the pits, too. I never tell
> I have a dog; when I get to the airport they want to change to the
> Mostly I am able to keep them from it.
> Cindy
> On Jul 30, 2011, at 8:39 AM, Sam Hogle wrote:
>> Good point. I've noticed when traveling with Mason that not only does
>> apply with cabs, but with any mode of public transit. I've learned the
>> hard way when you tell an air line about a service dog that you can get
>> some heated discussions on why you don't want to ride in the bulk head. I
>> still haven't figured out what makes people think that area is more
>> spacious and safe when in reality, it's the most unsafe area on a plane
>> for a dog to ride.
>> Sam and Seeing Eye Dog Mason
>> On 7/30/2011 12:06 AM, Michael Hingson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am not sure why space has anything to do with it. Even in smaller
>>> vehicles there is room for a guide dog unless you have several
>>> passengers.
>>> Front seats move forward and since most all vehicles have bucket seats
>>> a
>>> split bench the dog could sit on the floor on the side where the seat
>>> could
>>> be moved forward the most.
>>> Also Larry, you help make the point about why not to disclose the
>>> presence
>>> of a guide dog since it can and does lead to needless arguments. We
>>> to
>>> be and are about change in attitudes. If we don't give people time to
>>> make
>>> up rules and excuses we have a better chance of being role models in the
>>> eyes of most drivers and travel oriented companies.
>>> By the way, I say "transportation oriented companies" because the same
>>> principles apply to airlines, hotels etc. I have tried many experiments
>>> over the years where I decide to indicate that a guide dog will be
>>> accompanying me just to see what happens. I find often that I encounter
>>> much more difficulty with advanced disclosure than when I do not say I
>>> use a
>>> service animal.
>>> Mike Hingson
>>> The Michael Hingson Group, INC.
>>> "Speaking with Vision"
>>> Michael Hingson, President
>>> (415) 827-4084
>>> info at michaelhingson.com
>>> To learn more about my upcoming book, speaking topics and speaking
>>> availability please visit www.michaelhingson.com
>>> Thunder Dog is now available for early ordering on Amazon!!!
>>> 1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1289090352&sr=1-3
>>> for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:
>>> http://knfbreader.michaelhingson.com
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>> Behalf
>>> Of Larry D. Keeler
>>> Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 8:08 PM
>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>> Subject: [nagdu] Dogs and Taxis
>>> I tell folks at the cab company or others out of consideration for
>>> If they refuse Then I get ugly! I also have the advantage of living
>>> about
>>> 100 yards from our major cab company, well I can just go down there and
>>> complain! Or maybe put some Holly presents on there doorstep! Most
>>> folks,
>>> when they see how well Holly behaves they love picking us up! I do have
>>> a
>>> probblem with the way dispatchers put out the call about transporting a
>>> dog!
>>> It sort of depersonalizes us. Also, sence I have had to transport my
>>> pet,
>>> who does behave but not as well as Holly, I imagine that some confussion
>>> could arise about whether the call involves pet or service dogs. I
>>> usually
>>> don't tell restraunts, hospitals or anyone else though. I figure unlike
>>> me,
>>> most folks are not blind and can see Holly doing her work. They can
>>> obviously see how well she is traind as well. Any questions and I also
>>> have
>>> her ID which I carry right along with my own.
>>> Intelligence is always claimed but rarely proven!
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