[nagdu] Guide dogs and Rolling book bags

Tamara Smith-Kinney tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Thu Jun 9 23:41:11 UTC 2011

Julie, et al.,

Have you ever gotten so much stuff crammed into your backpack (or whatever)
that when you had to stop for a breather and bent down to pat your dog, you
nearly fell over the dog and squished it?  /lol/  Oh, of course I've done
it.  It never seems that heavy when I put the pack on, and it's not that far
from the grocery store home...

I also tried borrowing a neighbor's granny cart, as she calls it, which is
supposed to be better for your back because you can push it.  I had been
assured that this would work, since I could use the cart as a cane, people
do it all the time, this person (O&M instructor, you bet) was sure of it.
Maybe other blind people do that all the time and it works great for them,
but this blind person was just relieved she didn't have to buy the neighbor
a new cart.  /lol/

I don't know how parents and college students do it, since you have so much
extra stuff to carry everywhere all the time...  When I think of ever going
back to school, I picture myself with a guide dog...  And a sturdy pack
pony!  Then when I think about the ever dimming prospect of getting back
into consulting, I get the same image only I'm wearing better clothes.
/lol/  Sure, Tami, no problem with that scenario.

Oh, well, I like hearing what others come up with that is possible in the
real world.

Tami Smith-Kinney

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Julie J.
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 2:03 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide dogs and Rolling book bags

I'm still trying to figure this out too.  Usually I hold the door open with 
my back and push the bag in front of me.  I give Monty enough leash so he 
can move ahead or where ever he needs to be to be out of the way.

It's not perfect, but we make it work.  Sometimes I have too many things 
that are too heavy that carrying them in a shoulder bag isn't a possibility.

Mostly I like the rolling bag, but you're right the doors are a pain.

I just had a thought...do the doors you're using have a push button to open 
them?  I've not tested this idea, but it might work.

Good luck!  I'd be interested to know if you come up with something that 
works well.


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