[nagdu] what the NFB Should Do!
Margo and Arrow
margo.downey at verizon.net
Thu Jun 23 14:08:09 UTC 2011
It's called taking ownership. marion, well-said email and like Cindy, I
think you might want to consider expanding it to a Monitor article.
Margo and Arrow
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cindy Ray" <cindyray at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] what the NFB Should Do!
> Marion, I think that was well said. I think you should enlarge upon it and
> make a Monitor article out of it. I know that variations have been done
> before, but we can't hear it often enough.
> Cindy
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:09 AM, Marion Gwizdala wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Please excuse this cross-posting but I think it is important enough
>> that I wanted to share it with as many of you as possible. When I speak
>> with many blind people who find out I am a leader in the Federation, I
>> often have them say, "The NFB should ...". You can fill in the blank with
>> a myriad of suggestions of what needs to be done to improve the lives of
>> the blind. Generally, my response is, "Are you a member of the NFB?" The
>> most frequent answer is "No!" This opens the door for me to share that
>> the Federation is a membership organization - a grass roots Movement in
>> which each member must be actively involved in order for us to improve
>> our lives. It is not dr. Maurer; it is not the Board of Directors; it is
>> not the people who work at the National Center for the Blind; it is not
>> our divisions, our affiliates, or our chapters! It is each and every
>> member of the movement! I then invite them to become a member of the NFB
>> and hear the same tired excuses of not being a joiner, not
> having enough time, not wanting to choose sides, not agreeing with the
> philosophy, yah dah yah dah yah dah yawn! "In other words," I say, "you
> want someone else to solve your problems for you and are unwilling to
> help. Is that right?" Of course, they think I am a rude, obnoxious,
> belligerent Federationist, what my wife and I would call "C.B." -
> Confirmation Bias - the bias that "All Federationists are (fill in the
> blank!" and this experience confirms this belief!
>> I praise those of you who have joined me in our effort to improve the
>> lives of the blind. You have not made it someone else's problem to solve;
>> you have made it yours! To paraphrase the words of Mahatma Gandhi , "You
>> are the change you want to see in the world!" Thank you for your service
>> and for joining me on the barricades! On to Orlando!
>> Fraternally yours,
>> Marion Gwizdala, President
>> National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
>> National Federation of the Blind
>> 813-626-2789
>> President at NAGDU.ORG
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