[nagdu] Do you ever get angry with our dogs and how tocontroleit? thanks!

Ioana Gandrabur igandrabur at gmx.de
Thu Mar 3 22:33:37 UTC 2011

Thanks to all of you!

I am less often reading up on the list because I'm trying to minimize
computer time and am in to iPhone mailing lists recently.  It sure feels 
good to read your messages. Like catching
up with family in a way.

Well, Loyal was dazzling right afterwards, guiding  in new surroundings 
elevators out of the line of site when I asked him to find them and more
importantly ignoring many dogs on the street, something that got him lots of
praise and treats.
Will be sure to try breathing to calm myself. I guess that the fact that my
previous guide had to be retired for uncontrollable lurching towards dogs
and people didn't help my remaining calm when Loyal accidentally did it.
And just to put it in prospective, I did not correct him other than the 
choke he got by dashing like a bulldozer towards that other dog. Just asked 
for many push-ups in what I hoped was a calm authoritative voice.  It's only 
that my guts were tight in a not with frustration.
It's all over of course now. Will keep your advice in mind for next times.
Safe travels and lots of fun to you and your pups!

Ioana Loyal and retired couch potato Adrian

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