[nagdu] FW: [gps-talkusers] highlight of my return to the USA

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Tue May 10 15:00:15 UTC 2011

Hello all,

My husband forwarded this interesting tidbit to me. It's from Michael May,
the CEO of Sendero Group. Have we mentioned this on the list before? I
didn't remember anything about these airport pet rooms. Apparently there's
one at Seattle's airport as well as at Dulles.


-----Original Message-----
From: gps-talkusers-bounce at freelists.org
[mailto:gps-talkusers-bounce at freelists.org] On Behalf Of Michael May
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:39 PM
To: gps-talkusers at freelists.org

Subject: [gps-talk users] highlight of my return to the USA

Traveling internationally with a guide dog is tricky in terms of relief
areas at airports. Almost without exception, they are outside the airport so
if you are changing flights, you have to go out through security, find the
relieving place and come back through security with all its fun procedures.
On domestic flights, there often isn't enough time to do this and the
overall flight time makes it manageable if you limit water and food before
ttraveling. I do make a point of marking these releiving areas with GPS when
I find them.

I often try to get a Service Director to take my dog on the tarmac but this
only works 1 out of ten times. I did have success recently at the F gates in
Chicago O'Hare where two policemen took me and Tank on the tarmac, something
that hasn't happened for over 10 years.

So, why am I going to have a drink to celebrate over a dog relief issue?
After my 8.5 hour flight from Geneva to Washington Dulles, I went through my
normal drill and assumed I would have to go outside Dulles, not an easy
trekk. I do have 3 hours so the time isn't the issue other than I can't make
Tank wait until we get to Sacramento, 21 hours after he would have last been

I learned from an agent in the United Red Carpet Club about a "pet room"
across from D1. I thought she was confused but sure enough, it is a
dedicated pet relief area replete with a water bowl, baggies, hand
sanitizer, fenced area with indoor-outdoor carpeting and even a fire
When you are finished with the room, you push a big red button and some
sprinklers come on to self clean.
Nothing worse than worrying if one's dog is going to have an accident or is
uncomfortable. What a huge relief to know about this new facility at Dulles.

It is across from the D1 gate, near where you cross to the C Gates. There is
a set of elevators right next to the doorway. A metal carpet strip crosses
the hallway at the point where you turn into the room. Once I went in there
the first time, Tank made a bee-line for it when I came back to take a

Please post this message far and wide. Apparently this room has been here
for a year and nobody told me about it.

The things people get excited about!


Michael May, CEO Sendero Group
Developers of accessible GPS and distributors of technology for the blind

Voice, 530-757-6800
MikeMay at SenderoGroup.com

429 F Street, Suite 4
Davis, CA 95616

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