[nagdu] commands
Tami Kinney
tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Mon Nov 7 17:34:00 UTC 2011
Someone told me that, too, and when I was training Mitzi, I made sure to
do that.. Then we started our early work and team building, and i got
more relaxed and realized that I wasn't doing that anymore but that
Mitzi could figure out when I was talking to her instead of whomever
else I was talking to from context somehow. Well, we also have good
nonverbal communication since I trained for that, too, so I only
remember to specifically use her name if she's not paying attention for
some reason. It's sort of like how moms use their kids' middle names
when the kids are in trouble. /lol/
I know there is -- or was -- a firm belief that commands must be given
in a certain tone of command... Again, that tone only comes out of me
when Mitzi isn't paying attention or something like that. So almost
never now, although she still has her days. Just not many. /lol/
With a young dog, using the name and clear, crisp commands is important,
but it probably depends on the dog how well it will learn with
experience to respond to a more casual verbal style. That's my current
working theory, anyway. I like using a casual style of communicating
verbally to reinforce the nonverbal commands, and in many settings where
I used to use commands to help Mitzi know what to do, I find I don't
really need to. You know, I used to always say "halt" at curbs during
training and into her early working life, assuming I knew the curb was
there... This is less often the case as I lose more vision. Also, she is
experienced enough now that she doesn't need reminding. If I could tell
there were stairs leading to a doorway I wanted to enter, I would use
"find the stairs" or "show me the stairs" then use "find the door" at
the top of the stairs I would also put forth more effort to figuring out
the door's location as closely as possible. Now, I just say, "find the
door," when we're kinda close to the right place to look for it, and she
does the rest. /lol/ Most of the time. I get pretty aggravated that
we're still not back into the regular working schedule we were and
should be, so that I have to remember to give her those extra hints and
reminders until she gets back in the swing. She does really quickly, and
seems to be better at not losing her training than I am. /lol/ Good
thing or who knows where we would end up? /grin/
On 11/06/2011 05:43 PM, Larry D. Keeler wrote:
> Pilot always told us to use the dogs name first to get her attention so
> that she knows the command is for her.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marsha Drenth"
> <marsha.drenth at gmail.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 5:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] commands
>> When I went to Seeing Eye, my instructor told me that using emma's
>> name all
>> the time, she will start to tune me out. Not that she doesn't already. So
>> this why I don't use her name first when in giving a command.
>> I guess I am just too nice in that I apologize. Yes I too wish I would
>> run
>> into the "I don't like dog" people. It would make things easier.
>> Marsha
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Cindy Ray
>> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 5:30 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] commands
>> If people are ahead of you, they probably aren't noting if you are
>> looking
>> at the dog, or at least that's my guess. I will have to be more aware of
>> whether I am using the dog's name.
>> Cindy
>> On Nov 5, 2011, at 4:19 PM, Julie J. wrote:
>>> I put this sort of thing in the category of people talking on the phone.
>> I think we have all been in a situation where we thought the person was
>> talking to us and they were actually on the phone. A simple, "I was
>> talking
>> on the phone" or in this case, "I was talking to my dog." is
>> sufficient. I
>> don't apologize.
>>> I don't get much of this though. I do use Monty's name with most
>> commands, but not all. I also tend to look toward him when I am
>> addressing
>> him.
>>> Julie
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