[nagdu] up for review!

Chantel Cuddemi jawsgirl87 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 13:30:22 UTC 2011

Hi all! I am soo excited! I just received an email from Pilot saying that my
application is up for review! I explained, even though I put down standard
poodle on the application, that I was open to whatever breed they gave me. I
explained that since we have a baby in the house, I would need a dog that is
a friendly one around babies and that would also have a gentle pull. I'll
keep you posted. 


Email: jawsgirl87 at gmail.com


facebook: jawsgirl87 at gmail.com


Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87


skype: leogirl48


msn: jawsgirl87 at gmail.com


aim: scholarmistress


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