[nagdu] going home on the bus
Sean Moore
sean.moore at mediacombb.net
Fri Nov 11 01:00:54 UTC 2011
yes people are just weird and Franklin likes having his picture taken,
though usually thinks he should show off and be shameless.
Boys, what can you do?
Wait no I'm one also. Oh well.
on another note I need to find a new job, I'm tired of Georgia Industries
for the blind, after nearly 3 years, I think their going to fire me due to
not making enough folders. Though I make good ones, just not the 400 units
they want a day.
Anyone hiring at an hourly rate? for above government federal mini wage?
Talked with VR and the lady said she'd start the ball rolling for something
-----Original Message-----
From: Tami Kinney
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 7:14 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] going home on the bus
At times like that, I hum the Twilight Zone theme to myself and smirk
back at Mr. Serling while he stands in his suit with his arms folded
just watching the crazies. /lol/
Sounds like your response was good. Succinct, clear, demonstrating that
you are a grown up with manners who can go where you want to go all by
your ownself and know how to conduct yourself.
The others involved, however... SOunds to me like they need to hire
someone to go everywhere with them to make sure they don't misbehave. /lol/
Jumps behind cars when she sees chihuahuas, does she? I don't think
there's an app for that, but there's this newfangle thing called
psychology... And I think they have some pills and stuff that she might
want to look into. Xanax, anyone?
Good grief!
Still, the important point is that Franklin is cute, I guess. /snicker/
On 11/10/2011 03:27 PM, Sean Moore wrote:
> Had this odd thing happen when I was on the way home on the city bus.
> When we got on the bus, Franklin took me to a empty seat and sitting
> there was a woman. Franklin gives her a look. maybe asking if its okay
> for us to sit. She replies. "Oh no! I'm afraid of dogs." and she moves
> to another seat, on other side of the bus. The front seats in the bus
> face each other.
> Another passager says, "Afraid of dogs, huh?"
> the woman replies: "Yes no matter the size, even (small dog usually
> thought to be from Mexico) I run away and hide behind a car."
> a few minutes pass no one saying anything.
> "I don't know why they let them on here, the dogs are scary."
> another woman says: "Yeah don't mess with him or the dog will protect
> him." -said wards another passager-
> I say: "No ma'am, he won't do such things. well as far as I've seen."
> "They should just hire someone to go with them everywhere."
> I reply, "Why would I want to pay someone when I can use a cane or a
> guide dog for free."
> No replies at this.
> "Well he is cute, but still...."
> end
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