[nagdu] a blindconsumer's RighttoChooserehabtraining(federalregs)
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Sat Nov 12 01:51:51 UTC 2011
That's good! With computers and stuff you could be a minister anytime you
wanted too! I know the Catholics have the Xavier Society and other things
to get the word out! I have a good friend who is very active in her church
and she brailles her music and anything else she needs!
----- Original Message -----
From: "RJ Sandefur" <joltingjacksandefur at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] a blindconsumer's
>I was told by my councilor I could not go into ministry because I was blind
>,and I needed to eat. I'm going for my doctorate in theology and the
>councilor who told me this, no longer works in the blindness field. RJ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeffrey Young" <jeff.young8806 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 4:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] a blind consumer's
> RighttoChooserehabtraining(federalregs)
>>I should say, regarding my previous rant, that I have, like Julie, had
>>good experiences. Dealing with a counselor can be a difficult experience.
>> Jeff Young
>> Home of the world's healthiest energy drink. No Caffeine, no added sugar.
>> Email me for a free sample today.
>> Phone: (318) 243-3003
>> E-mail: jeff.young8806 at gmail.com
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>> On Nov 11, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Julie J. wrote:
>>> Yes, I'm replying to myself! LOL It's a privledge that old people get.
>>> I wanted to add that sometimes clients sell themselves short,
>>> occassionally very short. It's hard to work with a young, energetic
>>> client who is well spoken, who is confident and well educated who tells
>>> you they want to sell pencils on the corner. As a counselor you want to
>>> encourage them to elevate their expectations. You know in your heart
>>> that they could acomplish so much more. There's no way to know if they
>>> want to sell pencils because that's all they think they can do or is
>>> that really their heart's desire?
>>> I admit to being less than 100% supportive of other blind people that I
>>> thought were choosing to be a piano tuner or telemarketer because I
>>> thought they were picking those careers because those are the only
>>> options for blind folks. Looking back I see it was a mistake, but at
>>> the time I had no way to know. There are ways to be supportive of
>>> someone while still encouraging them to be more, but I hadn't quite
>>> figured that out yet.
>>> Julie
>>> On 11/11/2011 3:24 PM, Julie J. wrote:
>>>> In defense of rehabilitation counselors, they are just like us, human.
>>>> They may see potential in you that you don't see. They may be trying
>>>> to get you thinking outside of the box, so to speak and may suggest
>>>> things you hadn't considered. Sometimes it's difficult to be
>>>> encouraging while still being realistic. None of us can see into the
>>>> future to know exactly what the person on the other side of the desk is
>>>> capable of.
>>>> I used to work in rehabilitation and still do in a different capacity.
>>>> I've seen folks with huge dreams, but their daily actions don't fit
>>>> with what they are saying they want to do. I've talked with folks who
>>>> tell me they want to work in drug/alcohol prevention. Yet when I make
>>>> suggestions of things they could do now like learning Braille, joining
>>>> local prevention organizations, checking out colleges etc. they make
>>>> excuses and don't do any of those things. So is it awful of the
>>>> counselor to tell the client the agency can't support them in that
>>>> goal?
>>>> Outside of the professional rehabilitation scene, I've frequently had
>>>> email and phone calls from individuals who want to owner train their
>>>> guide dog. Some of them I encourage and some I try to gently suggest
>>>> they try a different avenue for getting a guide. Do I believe blind
>>>> people can train their own guide dog? Absolutely. It is, however, an
>>>> entirely different question to ask can this person I am talking to
>>>> train their own guide? Maybe yes and maybe no, but blindness isn't as
>>>> big of a factor as commitment, ambition and resourcefulness are.
>>>> And then there are rehab counselors who do not have a very positive
>>>> view of what blind people can truly accomplish. *sigh* That is a whole
>>>> different discussion.
>>>> anyway I'm just saying to try to understand where the counselor is
>>>> coming from because it will help you know how to proceed to get
>>>> yourself what you need.
>>>> JMHO
>>>> Julie
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