[nagdu] The Benefits of Membership

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Fri Nov 25 18:22:04 UTC 2011

Please feel free to circulate the following message as widely as you feel it is appropriate.

I recently received an email inquiry asking me about the benefits of joining the National Association of Guide Dog Users. I would like to share my response with you and encourage you to share it with as many others as you see fit!

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
National Federation of the Blind
President at NAGDU.ORG

    Thank you very much for your interest in the National Association of 
Guide Dog Users (NAGDU), a strong and proud division of the National 
Federation of the Blind. As a division of the NFB, we share its purpose of 
removing the social, legal, and economic barriers faced by the blind as we 
work toward the goal of fully integrating the blind into society on terms of 
equality. NAGDU is a membership organization for blind people who use or are 
considering a guide dog for independent travel, guide dog trainers and puppy 
raisers, or those interested in guide dog related issues. NAGDU promotes 
sound public policy as it pertains to guide dog use, provides guidance to 
businesses and law enforcement, conducts informational workshops to  civic 
organizations and schools, supports sound practices in the training and use 
of guide dogs, and acts as advocates for guide dog users facing 
    One of the major projects of the National Association of Guide Dog Users 
is the NAGDU Information & Advocacy Hotline. Established with a grant from 
the NFB's Imagination Fund, this hotline not only offers information about 
the training and use of guide dogs and the legal rights of individuals who 
use service animals, including guidance for specific industries, such as 
restaurants, taxicabs, and health care facilities, it offers the option to 
speak with an advocate who is trained to mediate issues that arise as the 
result of the choice to use a guide dog. Future plans for the hotline 
include summaries of each of the state laws concerning service animals, more 
industry specific information, and guidance in a variety of languages, such 
as Mandarin and Arabic. The Hotline is available anytime by calling, 
toll-free, 888-NAGDU411 (888-624-3841).
    Another service of NAGDU is our email discussion list where you can 
network with about 250 guide dog users and trainers, along with others 
interested in guide dog related issues from across the United States and 
around the world. You can subscribe to the NAGDU discussion list by going to


clicking on "Join or drop NFBNET discussion lists", selecting "NAGDU from 
the NFB-sponsored lists,and completing the subscription form.
    I know you asked about the benefits of joining the National Association 
of Guide Dog Users. The fact of the matter is that all of these benefits are 
not contingent upon becoming a member of our organization. They are provided 
as a service to anyone who wishes to take advantage of them whether you are 
a member or not. Becoming a member of NAGDU, though, demonstrates your 
willingness to be a part of an incredible shift in society's view of 
blindness. The National Federation of the Blind and the National Association 
of Guide Dog Users is more than just an organization; it is a Movement. It 
is not a static  social club, it is a dynamic network of blind people 
working together to change what it means to be blind. It is the largest 
organization of any disability group in the world. It is the organization 
that has created the level of opportunity the blind currently realize and is 
the world's leading force in the affairs of the blind  today, shaping a 
future filled with hope and prosperity for the blind of tomorrow.
    The work we do will benefit you whether you are a member or not. 
Becoming a member makes you a part of the collective energy and influence we 
need to shape the hope of prosperity we know is ours. Gandhi once said, "You 
must be the change you wish to see in the world!" I hope you will choose to 
join us and be a part of this change.
    The National Association of Guide Dog Users has several state affiliate 
divisions and committees on the path to becoming divisions. Membership in an 
affiliate division constitutes membership in the national organization, as 
well as in the affiliate itself. Likewise, Membership in the National 
Association of Guide Dog Users constitutes membership in the National 
Federation of the Blind. If you share with me where you reside, I can put 
you in touch with the leadership of the affiliate in your state. For more 
specific information about the National Association of Guide Dog Users, you 
can visit our website. our website and contact information is below my 

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
National Federation of the Blind
President at NAGDU.ORG

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