[nagdu] . Pepper Spray. was Blind Teacher's guide ---.

Artie. anolden at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Oct 4 00:25:41 UTC 2011

      My S-O Linda and I got our pepper spray at a Hospice volunteers meeting, where when the guest speaker was a public relations employee of the county Crime Prevention department.      His theme was personal protection of yourself and property wherever you are: home, car, store, anywhere.

    He had with him an ample supply of small and large pepper spray in leather-like carrying cases, which can be clipped to the belt.  He said that police departments stopped using mace, as people who are high on drugs and / or booze are  not as severely affected as they are with pepper spray.   

    He instructed on the use of the spray.  Some of the ladies in attending  already had their own small sprayer attached to their key chain.

    Of course I asked about using the pepper spray for the protection of our guide dogs -- from attack by other dogs on the loose.  Except for the fact that police with their k9 partner can see, and mostly we don't, they are trained how to use the spray in cases to protect their partner.  So, he gave us some good tips.

    WE paid for the pepper sprays.  He said that if we have occasion to use it, call the department, and get a police report from a patrol officer.  The sprayer is replaced free when we turn in the officer's report to the department.

    Artie, and GDF Golden guide dog JJ.
From: "Julie J." 

And last I'm not sure if pepper spray is considered to be a weapon here.  I doubt it'd be illegal to spray a loose dog, but threatening or  actually using it on a person is a whole other matter.


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