[nagdu] in the news...again
Sean Robertson
srobertson at roadrunner.com
Thu Oct 20 13:26:05 UTC 2011
O man I to am glad know one was hurt.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Moore " <sean.moore at mediacombb.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>; <GDUI-Friends at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:02 PM
Subject: [nagdu] in the news...again
> Dougherty Co. Deputy disciplined for gun action
> By Jim Wallace
> A Dougherty County jailer accidentally shot a hole in his apartment wall
> with his service pistol.
> 24 year old Deputy Jercory McCray said he when he was cleaning his 40
> caliber Glock Sunday night when it went off.
> One round went through the wall of his apartment at Shoreham and into the
> apartment of his neighbor Sean Moore. The bullet lodged in Moore's pantry.
> No one was injured.
> The Deputy did not report the shooting to his supervisor within the
> required 24 hours, and the neighbor reported it to Police.
> An unfortunate accident, He's been disciplined according to agency policy
> and had to attend some remedial training to make sure that he understands
> the correct method for clearing a weapon prior to disassembly.
> McCray was reprimanded and remains on the job.
> ****
> Yeah when all this happen, I was playing my Xbox 360 and franklin was
> asleep in the bed. When I heard the sound I thought the globe in my
> kitchen had fallen again. But no, when i turned to check it out my mirror
> was shattered. so I looked it over and saw the hole in the wall and
> thought it was just weird. So I called my mom out of pure confusion.
> After talking with my Mom for 5 to 10 minutes. Franklin had come running
> out to check on the loud boom.
> I hung up and went back to playing my 360 and 5 to 10 minutes later
> there's a knock on my door. "Who's at the door at this time of night?
> (Around 10 to 10:30PM)
> There's this black guy on my porch,
> Guy: "Are you okay?"
> Me: "Yes fine. Though my mirror is shattered."
> Guy: "Well...-"
> me: " (something said) why the hell do you have gun?"
> guy: "Uh... yeah...I'm a police officer?"
> Me: "Oh okay so how'd the gun go off?
> guy: I dropped it. -- but yeah going to report this in the morning.
> me: "oh okay.
> ---by morning when I called around 9:45PM they had no report of the
> shooting. by 2:15PM they still had no report of the shooting.
> The police came around 6PM 2 at first and then by 2 hours later there were
> 6 in and out of my apartment.
> long story short is the above article.
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