[nagdu] Linda Thomas and Johanna Baccan of the New Jersery affiliate will be mentioned the ship tour we did on October 9

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 26 22:55:12 UTC 2011

Good evening all:

Tonight on www.thruoureyes.org

Looking good without looking at 8pm Eastern, hosted by Linda Zani Thomas and 
Johanna Baccan, will be mentioning the ship tour we took with the NFB of 
NY/NJ back on October 9th.

Here is a description of there show if you have never listened in before.

Join us for the hottest trends, the best deals, our Genefique caller 
giveaway, men's shoes for all occasions, wedding trends for men and women, 
accessible cruise info, reviews of Sephora, the Marc Anthony collection, 
Marbles the Brain Store and much more!

I will be calling in myself to speak to the ladies as well.

Leading the Way in Independent Travel!

Cheryl Echevarria
reservations at echevarriatravel.com

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Superior Travel, located in 
Baldwin, NY. www.superiortravel.com 

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