[nagdu] Raising Poodles
rainshadowmusic at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 7 21:12:19 UTC 2011
Bogart is called a blue poodle. This means that when I got him he was almost entirely black with just a hint of lighter colours on his nose and tips of his ears. A year later, age 3 and many groomings, he is now pretty much a beautiful puter colour with some black highlights. I've been told that he is one awesome looking dog (yes by others besides Bogart himself!)
----- Original Message -----
From: Tami Kinney <tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
Date: Monday, September 5, 2011 1:06 pm
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Raising Poodles
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Hm... I think the color called red in standard poodles is fairly new.
> It's a darker red than the apricot, though many red puppies will
> lightento apricot. This breeder's dogs hold their color really
> well, I guess,
> and she also produces some new-fangled designer colors like blue or
> silver or something called chimera or something mythological
> like that.
> Also, she breeds more for temperament than anything, so she certainly
> did get that with Mitzi poodle! Very mellow, Mitzi is, even when
> she was
> a pup. For a poodle. /grin/ Kinda like a mild tornado or
> something, you
> know.
> Anyway, that's the sum of my knowledge about poodles and color.
> Oh, I
> forget to mention chocolate. It's a darker red with more brown
> in it.
> Not quite as liver colored as the lab version of chocolate, but
> it does
> fit the description.
> My little black throwback is 5 now and just beginning to have a few
> silver or white hairs here and there. Except for the white coonhound
> hairs that get caught in her curls and get forced into
> curliness. /lol/
> Still, unless someone happens to be looking really closely at
> Mitzi in
> really bright light, she still appears to be perfectly black.
> Which I am
> fine with. Since my hair is not only curly but dirty dishwater (thank
> you, whoever came up with that description!), I would hate to
> have an
> apricot poodle with exactly the same color hair. It's bad enough that
> people sometimes do assume that I get my hair permed so that it
> will be
> like my dog's. Well, I've also had people ask me how long it
> took to
> curl her hair like that and I I did it every morning or it was
> some kind
> of permanent and how much it cost. I thought they were joking,
> but they
> kept asking while I tossed off flip answers and laughed my head off.
> Oh. They really did want to know how I curled my dog's hair like that.
> Um... Took awhile, actually, in one case to communicate that no,
> really,k the dog was born that way. And so was I. Really. Yes,
> really! /lol/
> I've known a few miniature poodles who were a lot like tiny standard
> poodles, but not many. And, well, they're more very similar in
> look and
> temperament. The standard poodle, I've discovered, is very much
> a thing
> unto itself. What kind of thing, I cannot be sure. /smile/
> Tami
> On Sun, 2011-09-04 at 20:09 -0400, Larry D. Keeler wrote:
> > I've learned that the standard poodle is quite a different
> thing from those
> > little things! But, I also have a poodle-westy mix and
> he is probably one
> > of the smartest dogs I've ever met! I wonder if the red
> is the same as
> > champgne? We actually didn't see black. We saw,
> white, apricot and
> > silver-grey!
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <t21114 at optonline.net>
> > To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users"
> > <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> > Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2011 7:47 PM
> > Subject: [nagdu] Raising Poodles
> >
> >
> > > Hi Larry,
> > > I use to breed mini poodle's back in the 80's. I had a black
> female and
> > > male apricot. They produced black puppy's. I have never
> heard of a red
> > > poodle either. My friend who is a puppy walker is raising
> one that is
> > > turning silver. She is a little over a year old and will
> stay with the
> > > puppy walker until she is 18 months. Another friend is
> raising her sister
> > > to be a guide dog who is black
> > > Marilyn and Anna
> > >
> > >
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