[nagdu] an update on my friend

Lyn Gwizdak linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Sun Apr 15 19:07:27 UTC 2012

Give yourself time.  You will know if or when the time is right for you to 
apply for a dog again.  Take care of your health issues first.  The schools 
aren't going anywhere - they'll be there for you if you choose to apply 

Lyn and Landon
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jennifer Perdue" <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] an update on my friend

> thanks for the information.
> I'm on the fence about whether I want to apply anywhere.  I applied to 
> GDB, but I'm just letting it ride for now.
> I've got some health issues I want to deal with and I was honest with them 
> and told them that so they said it would be OK for me to take care of 
> myself first and that wouldn't shut the door on whether I was approved for 
> a dog.
> I don't know though.  I don't know how I feel any more.
> Jenny
> On Apr 14, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is incorrect.
>> Two things:
>> 1) If there's ghiardia going around, your dog will probably have pills to 
>> help with that. Leno had some when I got him.
>> 2) Even if that doesn't happen, which strikes me as unlikely, the Seeing 
>> Eye will reimburse vet costs beyond your normal wellness checkups for the 
>> first year you're with your dog. After that, should something arise, I 
>> understand they can make no interest loans for very expensive and 
>> necessary procedures.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Apr 14, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Jennifer Perdue <jlperdue3 at gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> thank you for that perspective.
>>> the only thing that concerns me about that is I know people with dogs 
>>> that came home with giardia and I don't think TSE helped them with the 
>>> additional expenses that went along with it.
>>> I can't afford to get a dog that turns out to be unhealthy, which 
>>> happened with Brooks by the way, and then be stuck with high medical 
>>> bills and food expenses again.
>>> That's why I chose GDB.  They are willing to help out with things like 
>>> that.
>>> I'm not saying TSE isn't a good school, cause it is.  You just have to 
>>> be able to afford what ever comes your way.
>>> Jenny
>>> On Apr 13, 2012, at 8:56 PM, Cindy Ray wrote:
>>>> I would just say, Jenny, that you are way more apt to hear about the 
>>>> health issues and things that went wrong with dogs from a school than 
>>>> those that went right. I had three dogs that were not good matches. I 
>>>> decided maybe I was not a good user. The guy who came out to work with 
>>>> me, a wise man indeed, said that sometimes he wonders about the dogs 
>>>> from there because he sees so many who are having problems, and then he 
>>>> has to "cry uncle" because he sees the ones with problems and not the 
>>>> ones that are happy, healthy relationships. I might be wrong, but I'd 
>>>> bet you could do a learned survey and discover that there is a 
>>>> considerable amount of health issue from each school. Dogs are live 
>>>> beings; as such, they are subject to health issues the same as we are, 
>>>> and there are no guarantees. I am just saying that this wouldn't be the 
>>>> only thing you would want to look at. You want to look at how they come 
>>>> by their dogs and what they do about it if there is a health issue; how 
>>>> long does it take for them to make it right however they must. I 
>>>> wouldn't be closed minded about a school because you've heard they have 
>>>> a lot of health issues unless it is in the high percents. Just a 
>>>> thought you might think on.
>>>> CL
>>>> On Apr 13, 2012, at 8:48 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>>>> Hi Lyn,
>>>>> I don't want to start a school war or to say anything negative about 
>>>>> schools unduly.  But the other list I was on was wrought with dogs 
>>>>> having health issues and psychological issues way too young.  That is 
>>>>> the only reason I haven't applied there.
>>>>> Oh I can't say that.  Southeastern found out really quickly when I 
>>>>> applied there before they called me about Brooks, so it makes me 
>>>>> nervous to apply there again.  Especially since I've seen so many 
>>>>> problems with dogs from there from other lists.
>>>>> I mean no disrespect.  I'm just stating what I've seen.
>>>>> Jenny
>>>>> On Apr 13, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Lyn Gwizdak wrote:
>>>>>> Jennifer,
>>>>>> I will tell you from personal experience that TSE will judge you as 
>>>>>> they see you.  They do not just see or hear what another school has 
>>>>>> said and automatically say NO.  They will give all qualified people a 
>>>>>> chance to prove themselves.  Just be real clear in what you want in a 
>>>>>> dog so they can make the best match for you.  They realize that 
>>>>>> problems people have with some previous schools can occur for any 
>>>>>> reason - bad chemestry between individuals, bad chemestry between 
>>>>>> handler and dog.  People change schools for all manner of reasons and 
>>>>>> is not unusual at all.  TSE is very fair.
>>>>>> Wherever you go, I hope you have a better time with them.  I 
>>>>>> personally have my reasons for atending TSE and I strongly support my 
>>>>>> school, but I also respect people's decisions to attend the school 
>>>>>> they feel is best for them.
>>>>>> Glad you are going to try again.  Like I said, don't let the jerks 
>>>>>> get you down.
>>>>>> Lyn and Landon
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jennifer Perdue" 
>>>>>> <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 1:40 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] an update on my friend
>>>>>>> Thank you Lyn for those kind and wise words.  I am going to go 
>>>>>>> forward with the application process at the school I've chosen.  I 
>>>>>>> thought about TSE, but when I applied there before Southeastern 
>>>>>>> quickly found out about it and that's when they manipulated me into 
>>>>>>> going back there.
>>>>>>> I am afraid, frankly, of Southeastern putting a good old ugly spin 
>>>>>>> on what happened and the Seeing Eye just saying Nope, not going to 
>>>>>>> deal with that, cause I know they talk to each other.
>>>>>>> Anyway, I've got some thing I want to take care of before i go back 
>>>>>>> to school so I'm not in too much of a hurry.
>>>>>>> It'll happen when it's meant to.
>>>>>>> Jenny
>>>>>>> On Apr 12, 2012, at 2:24 PM, Lyn Gwizdak wrote:
>>>>>>>> Jennifer,
>>>>>>>> Welcome to the list.  I am Lyn with one n, and I am on my eighth 
>>>>>>>> guide dog. He is Landon, a six year old Lab/Golden cross from The 
>>>>>>>> Seeing Eye. I am 61 years old and live in San Diego.  I do pet 
>>>>>>>> assisted therapy with my dog and am active in my Democratic Party 
>>>>>>>> club.  I enjoy hanging out with friends, walking, reading, and many 
>>>>>>>> fun stuff.
>>>>>>>> I don't know you, do not belong to the list where people abused 
>>>>>>>> you, or know any more than what Laurel posted on this list.
>>>>>>>> I can see how much hurt you have gotten because of your misfortune 
>>>>>>>> and I am so sorry about that.  I want you to know that what 
>>>>>>>> happened to you regarding your dogs, does and can happen to any of 
>>>>>>>> us.  When you deal with living beings there's no guarantees as to 
>>>>>>>> what will happen with said living beings. Don't beat yourself up 
>>>>>>>> over it.
>>>>>>>> In the 1990s, I had some problems with dogs and other things that 
>>>>>>>> caused some schools to reject me and this didn't stop me from 
>>>>>>>> getting great guides. I went to Seeing Eye and they judge people on 
>>>>>>>> what they see for themselves. They come to interview each 
>>>>>>>> prospective student in person.
>>>>>>>> I've been around guide dog users and guide dog schools since the 
>>>>>>>> early 1970s and they all vary.  I am sure you will find a school 
>>>>>>>> that meets your needs that will provide you a good dog.
>>>>>>>> Right now, take the time to take care of yourself and don't let the 
>>>>>>>> nasty folks get you down.  They are the ones with the problem - not 
>>>>>>>> you.  This behavior is part of "marginalized" behavior and I see it 
>>>>>>>> in many minority groups.  They feel that they can't attack the real 
>>>>>>>> enemy that oppresses them so they wind up attacking someone else 
>>>>>>>> that is "safe" - another one of their own.  In this case, a fellow 
>>>>>>>> blind guide dog user.
>>>>>>>> I have been on this list for several years and I've not seen any 
>>>>>>>> real mean-spiritedness.  People will get hot at times in 
>>>>>>>> controversial topics and people have strong feelings but not 
>>>>>>>> meanness.
>>>>>>>> Enjoy the list and post as you feel like doing.  We are very 
>>>>>>>> diverse and wwe learn alot from each other.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Lyn and Landon
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jennifer Perdue" 
>>>>>>>> <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog 
>>>>>>>> Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 10:23 AM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] an update on my friend
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I am the person Loral is talking about.
>>>>>>>>> You won't hear much from me on this list because I just retired my 
>>>>>>>>> dog and with everything that has happened on the other list I'm 
>>>>>>>>> just not going to open my mouth or heart about anything.  My heart 
>>>>>>>>> is too broken and hurt to take that kind of stuff anymore.
>>>>>>>>> My husband has one of the messages I was sent, but I deleted the 
>>>>>>>>> second. I was not aware of the foul names or threats that were 
>>>>>>>>> made against me until Loral let me know about the messages she was 
>>>>>>>>> sent.
>>>>>>>>> I just wanted you to know that I did subscribe to this list, but 
>>>>>>>>> you won't see me post.  I'm frankly too hurt, fragile, and afraid 
>>>>>>>>> to get retaliation from anyone else.
>>>>>>>>> thank you for your support and I'm interested to see what all of 
>>>>>>>>> you have to write about your wonderful guides.
>>>>>>>>> Jenny
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 12, 2012, at 7:24 AM, Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Tell her to save those nasty messages. Odds are these people are 
>>>>>>>>>> just being mean, but their words could be considered threatening 
>>>>>>>>>> and she may need proof of these messages.
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] 
>>>>>>>>>> On Behalf Of Laurel
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 5:25 PM
>>>>>>>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog 
>>>>>>>>>> Users
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] an update on my friend
>>>>>>>>>> Chantel, I know you have, but what you haven't seen is the 
>>>>>>>>>> private off
>>>>>>>>>> list posts that people from there have sent her. And usually, the 
>>>>>>>>>> GDUI
>>>>>>>>>> list is great, so please don't judge everybody on the list 
>>>>>>>>>> because of
>>>>>>>>>> the actions of a few, but it's almost like the Southeastern 
>>>>>>>>>> guides and
>>>>>>>>>> many people from that list are trying to drive her out of the 
>>>>>>>>>> guide
>>>>>>>>>> dog community. In private posts that she has read to me and that 
>>>>>>>>>> she's
>>>>>>>>>> fowarded to me, people have called her names like "female dog," 
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> know what I mean, and all other names using cuss words. They have 
>>>>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>>>>> that she doesn't ever deserve another dog, that they will report 
>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>> to Southeastern, make sure her dog gets taken away from her, make 
>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>> she never gets a dog from another school again etc. It's just 
>>>>>>>>>> cruel.
>>>>>>>>>> They said she was flaming Southeastern and etc. It goes on and 
>>>>>>>>>> on. I
>>>>>>>>>> understand wanting to protect your school, but attaking somebody
>>>>>>>>>> personally?
>>>>>>>>>> Let's just let this be a reminder to us. We need to put ourselves 
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> other people's shoes and think how we would want to be treated, 
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> then treat people that way. We need to always remember, that even 
>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>> we disagree with the person's actions, or things that they are 
>>>>>>>>>> saying,
>>>>>>>>>> to treat them with love and respect. We need to realize that when
>>>>>>>>>> people get angry, and make comments that they can't sthand a 
>>>>>>>>>> school,
>>>>>>>>>> like she said about Southeastern, that they are hurting and angry 
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> that us reacting out of hurt and anger can only serve to further 
>>>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>>>> more hurt.
>>>>>>>>>> Please everybody, remember this situation, pray for my friend, 
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> treat others as you'd wanna be treated. If you are a Christian 
>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>> me, then WWJD.
>>>>>>>>>> Laurel and Stockard who really appreciates the support here
>>>>>>>>>> On 4/11/12, Chantel Cuddemi <jawsgirl87 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I am on the GDUI list and I've seen the posts! That's just plain 
>>>>>>>>>>> sad and
>>>>>>>>>>> wrong!
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] 
>>>>>>>>>>> On Behalf
>>>>>>>>>>> Of Laurel
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:52 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog 
>>>>>>>>>>> Users
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] an update on my friend
>>>>>>>>>>> I have an update on my friend.
>>>>>>>>>>> She's still trying to figure out where to place her guide. I was
>>>>>>>>>>> disturbed to get a message on the phone saying that she's 
>>>>>>>>>>> unsubscribed
>>>>>>>>>>> from the GDUI list, that some of you might be on, and that she 
>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>> wanna join this one anymore. In fact, she's given up on getting 
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> guide all together. Some people, namely from another list, not 
>>>>>>>>>>> at all
>>>>>>>>>>> from here, have said some very cruel and hurtful things to her 
>>>>>>>>>>> either
>>>>>>>>>>> list wide or privately and just put sault in her wounds. Other
>>>>>>>>>>> southeastern grads have ganged up against her too. She's really
>>>>>>>>>>> hurting and is really broken hearted, and I hurt for her. I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>> sad that
>>>>>>>>>>> because of other people's hurtful spiteful comments it's causing 
>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>> to just retreat and give up. I wanna repeat, nothing bad has 
>>>>>>>>>>> been said
>>>>>>>>>>> to her from anybody on this particular list, it's all another 
>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>> that we're part of. She called GDB and canceled her application. 
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>> just so sad right now, I feel like there's noting I can do to 
>>>>>>>>>>> help her
>>>>>>>>>>> and I wish I could ease the pain somehow. I wish people would 
>>>>>>>>>>> put
>>>>>>>>>>> themselves in her shoes and think before they make personal 
>>>>>>>>>>> attacks
>>>>>>>>>>> and hurtful comments to or about her. I'm just sad, and I had to 
>>>>>>>>>>> share
>>>>>>>>>>> with somebody. Please pray for my friend.
>>>>>>>>>>> Laurel and Stockard
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