[nagdu] The Seeing Eye adventure begins: the day before

Criminal Justice Major orleans24 at comcast.net
Sun Apr 15 20:59:22 UTC 2012

Hi, Reinhardt,
Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers in the hopes for a safe trip and a successfull match.
i'm sure if you are able to talk with an instructor and share your feelings, they may be able to help you out.
Ginger Kutsch, Mary Manwaring and probably a few others like Alex Elmer who work at TSE.
I do know of an organization out there called PAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support) who would be able to help you out with some financial expense and possible other things.
Only thing they won't cover is cost for surgery which makes sense as they aren't able to provide a high amount of funding like that.
The amount they do help with as far as vet cost is around $200.00.
I'll have to get on line in a little while or so and see if I can find a PAWS organization in Washington DC.
We do have one out here in Colorado though.
I'm planning on going through them for Odie and my next guide dog.

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