[nagdu] Last Sunday's Board Meerting

Vanessa Lowery vlowery at dhr.state.md.us
Thu Aug 2 17:11:54 UTC 2012

Hey, Larry, a suggestion.  Especially since I can see why marion quewtioned your tag line.  You might want to put your name above it.

It would be interesting to attend the board meeting just to see what goes on, but I'm not a NAGDU member, so that may rule me out.  Furthermore, even if I did belong to NAGDU, I will be somewhere in Russia.  Starting in 2010, my parents, brother, and I started exploring European countries, including a few in Eastern Europe.  We ahve seen parts of Germany, Switzerland, Austria (twide), Slovakia (twice, Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic.  We have also been in tiny Lichtenstein.  The history is incredible, as is the architecture, and the food, especially main courses, which I prefer, are to die for.  I could live in Slovakia, Hungary, or the Czech Republic alone jsut for the food.

No Griffin ahs not accompanied us on any of the trips.  You are on the go so much, access issues could crop up that would jsut make things more difficult, and you ahve to think about packing food, finding a vet if there is a problem, and relief areas.  Not to mention documentation that might be needed.

So the hound and the two cats will hang out at Jacksonville Vet, and they will be in the capable hands of folks who know and love them.

Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
Adult and Community Services Division
Adult Services Screening Unit
VLowery at dhr.state.md.us

>>> "Marion Gwizdala" <blind411 at verizon.net> 8/2/2012 12:49 PM >>>
    The NAGDU board of directors meets on the last Sunday of each month at 
8:00 pm EDT. All are welcome to attend and observe the proceedings. Our next 
meeting will be held on August 26. I hope you will choose to join us. BTW, I 
hope your signature doesn't refer to our board! )grin)

Fraternally yours,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry D. Keeler" <lkeeler at comcast.net>
To: "doggie" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 8:33 PM
Subject: [nagdu] Last Sunday's Board Meerting

>I think last weeks meeting was a success!  This was the first meeting of 
>this type I have attended.  It was also nice to put voices and 
>personalities to names here on the list.  I'm looking forward to the next 
> Intelligence is always claimed but rarely proven!
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