[nagdu] new guide dog user with questions
becky sabo
beckyasabo at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 02:51:27 UTC 2012
Hi all,
I have a trainer from Guiding eyes for the blind here in Colorado working
with me.
Becky Sabo
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Cindy Ray
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 8:50 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] new guide dog user with questions
Are you training your own dog or is a school working with you?
Cindy Lou
On Aug 14, 2012, at 9:46 PM, becky sabo wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is Becky Sabo. I have a new guide dog that I am working. I am
> doing home training. I have not had a dog for a year and when I
> started my dog on Saturday it felt weird using the harnest but soon it
> was good. I feel that we are a very good working team for a very short
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 4:17 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] new guide dog user with questions
> Not just new handlers, but older ones, too, with new dogs. It's an
> issue for me, too, every time, to one extent or another. But, it gets
> better, and you'll be working together so smoothly you won't remember
> anything else, before you know it. BTW, yes, you handled the
> correction thing perfectly. In fact, probably better than I would,
> this being an honest assessment of myself.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Aug 13, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Marsha Drenth <marsha.drenth at gmail.com>
>> Mona,
>> Trust with your pup will come in time. All new handlers deal with the
> trust of a new pup, some quicker than others. I would say check with
> your foot, but then transition to using your cane for the checking.
> And after a while, after your have been traveling in the same areas
> for a while, you won't need to check. The pups are trained to stay in
> the middle of the sidewalk, and to take you from curb to curb.
>> Good luck, and if you have other questions, ask away!
>> Marsha drenthSent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 13, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ramona Davidson
>> <ramonadavidson88 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> Thanks everyone for all the wonderful replies, I'll clarify, when
>>> talking about checking the kerbed to make sure I wasn't in the
>>> street, it's mainly just after I've crossed a blended drive way or
>>> if I'm in an unfamiliar location. One place we were walking had the
>>> parking lot blended with the sidewalk, so to make sure we weren't
>>> veering in too far to the parking lot I'd stop and check to the side
>>> with my foot to make sure. Note: this is clearly a trust issue with
>>> me because he's never ever! Been too far from the curb.
>>> On 8/13/12, Marsha Drenth <marsha.drenth at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> i know that she is on the sidewalk, and not checking the curb
>>>> because of country work. Guess it would depend on how much a person
>>>> checks for the curb. And what kind of sidewalk it is. Depends on
>>>> what
> should be done.
>>>> Marsha drenthSent from my iPhone
>>>> On Aug 13, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Cindy Ray <cindyray at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> The kind of checking for the curb, from what I understood, is not
>>>>> the same as country work. She is on the sidewalk and going off to
>>>>> check where the street is. That isn't the same as being trained
>>>>> for
> country work, I think.
>>>>> CL
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>>> --
>>> Mona
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