[nagdu] my new dog has a new name

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 06:56:43 UTC 2012

Hi Cindy, the name is spelled N I C I in Lakota.The C is pronounced as C H.
The language is very hard to learn as the words almost never sound the way
they are spelled. Some words need to be used with a prefix when speaking
them.Some words with a T in them , the  T  is pronounced as a  D. Other
times, the T is pronounced as T. It is quite confusing.I am half Lakota and
am still learning the language and some times I find it very hard.I feel
that I should know my native language though, so I will keep at it until I
have learned to speak it.My other husky dogs have Lakota names. Wanagi
Tate,Pronounced Won ah ge  Tah tey. It means Spirit Wind.She is a white
husky. Tokala, pronounced Toe kah la,which means little gray fox. She is a
gray husky. Tunyan,pronounced Toon yon, which means "Brat". She is also a
gray husky and she was a brat when I first got her.I also have a Lakota
name. My name is Wolfsinger. I don't want to leave you with too much
culture shock, so I will quit here. Have a great day, Mardi and Shaman and


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