[nagdu] my new dog has a new name

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 03:58:21 UTC 2012

Hi Janice, I also have a hearing problem. I am deaf in my right ear. I can
hear sound,but have a great deal of trouble when it comes to trying to
figure out where the sound is coming from.Some times I don't hear some one
talking to me on my deaf side if they speak softly. I use a halti on my dog
to help me know where the sound of traffic is. When my dog turns his head
in the direction of the traffic, I can feel where his head is better than
when the leash is only hooked to his collar.Then I know which way the
traffic is going.I have lost a lot more of my sight in the last year, so
this helps. Shaman is excellent in traffic and has saved my "butt" quite a
few times.I am hopping that Neechee will learn from Shaman about traffic.
Shaman learned from Nala.I would hook both dogs together and work them
together. He learned a lot faster that way.I will do the same with Shaman
and Neechee.It will be a while before she is ready for that though. Take
care, Mardi and Shaman and Neechee,GDIT.


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