[nagdu] Meghan Whalen: Attack on service dog points to need for responsibility
Janice Toothman
janice.toothman at verizon.net
Sun Dec 16 23:17:08 UTC 2012
That is horrible. I am studying the psychological effects of trauma in
my counseling class this semester and I know that a single incident can
cause symptoms of Postraumatic stress disorder. While the first several
weeks can be significantly distressing and the symptoms may persist for
several months. But for a third of victims their symptoms can resolve on
their own without clinical assistance after several months.
Meghan, I know that this is a difficult time for you and your guide dog.
I would suggest patience before deciding that he and you should no
longer work as a team, because both of you need time to heal. However,
you know the situation best.
I also agree with Steve that we need to fight for legislation to protect
our guide dogs from interference. This needs to be done in every state.
Take Care,
On 12/15/2012 7:16 PM, Ginger Kutsch wrote:
> Meghan Whalen: Attack on service dog points to need for responsibility
> Source:
> http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/opinion/mailbag/meghan-whalen-attack-on-ser
> vice-dog-points-to-need-for/article_1c086292-4653-11e2-ada6-0019bb2963f4.htm
> l
> I originally moved here to go to school, and I stayed because I fell in love
> with the city. The vast majority of Madison residents are open-minded and
> respectful.
> I am blind, and it was a breath of fresh air to find a lack of people who
> judged me based on my blindness or wanted to pet or otherwise interact with
> my guide dog.
> But a serious issue came up recently. I was walking with my guide dog, and
> an aggressive dog came out of its yard and attacked my dog. It was 30
> seconds of terror for me as I tried to give my dog enough room to defend
> himself or get away. I couldn't let him go, because I was on a busy street.
> As a result of the attack, he has some bruising and swelling and one small
> puncture wound.
> The physical trauma is upsetting enough, but my bigger concern is the
> psychological trauma for my dog and myself. He is already showing signs of
> being fearful of other dogs. He growls when he hears another dog bark, and
> he is very jumpy. I am reluctant to work him for fear of how he may react if
> we come across another dog on our walks.
> I hope that those who share their lives with dogs will do all they can to be
> responsible. A few seconds of bad judgment may have cost my partner and
> companion his career. He is not yet three years old, and we should have many
> years ahead of us.
> - Meghan Whalen, Madison
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