[nagdu] Getting a guide dog
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Tue Feb 7 00:36:00 UTC 2012
In my case, I just like dogs! I find the responsibility no big deal. Well,
sometimes the money is squeezed a bit! I find that I can move much faster
with a dog. I already move pretty good with a cane but I can run with
Holly! But, if you don't want the responsibility that could be a big deal!
----- Original Message -----
From: "RJ Sandefur" <joltingjacksandefur at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: [nagdu] Getting a guide dog
>I have a questions for everyone on the list. What was it that made you
>decide to get a guide dog? My Family and mobility instructor both tell me
>they do not see a need for me to have one. I live in Okeechobee Florida. We
>do not have any public transpertation. I practually have to be driven to
>church, the store etc. Others from people at church are telling me to stop
>making excuses, and get a dog, but when I tell them I am a cane traveler,
>they accuse me of not trying. I tell them it is a huge responcibility, and
>they tell me that it is just me making excuses. Am I making excuses? I do
>not have the finational means in order to care for a guide dog. I'm only
>just making excuses. What do you as guide dog users think? I would have to
>feed the dog, take it for check ups. It is an animal, and it is a
>responcibility. RJ
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