[nagdu] going off leash
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Tue Feb 14 01:27:48 UTC 2012
That's the only issue I had with Pilot as well. For convinence sake, the
dogs relieve themselves on concrete. Holly will still pull this at home on
occassion and sneak it past me! I'll find out that on the way hhome, she
tried to repave the driveway and have to grab the bag and go out!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Criminal Justice Major" <orleans24 at comcast.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] going off leash
> Hi, Meghan,
> Pilot does teach the dogs to leash relieve and for those who are first
> timers, they will also show you how to pick up after your dog.
> One thing that I wish they would change is allowing the students to pick
> up after their dogs in the relief area.
> During my first time while I was there, I wanted to clean up after Freedom
> and a trainer who I'll not name told me no that they pick up the stuff
> directly.
> The relief area is a large rectangular thick concreete slab that is in the
> indoor court yard with bars around it for the dogs to squeeze under.
> During my training with Odie however, the trainer who trained him had a
> group of students go out to the relief area so they could practice picking
> up after their dogs.
> Turned out that some of the students weren't doing well picking up, so
> needed a refresher course.
> I lucked out of that part as the instructor felt that I didn't need to be
> involved since he saw how I picked up after Odie on route.
> Regardless, I was pleased with how things went during my training at Pilot
> though and despite Freedom David Berry having to retire early after seven
> months, I ended up with a great guide dog the next time around.
> When I did go to GEB, the instructors picked up the stuff for a week and a
> half or two, then had us trainies learn how to clean up.
> From the time I began being a handler, I always tried to stick with the
> habbit of touching the lower back end of my dogs so I'd know what was
> happening.
> Despite that I had a small amount of usable vision, I still touched them
> anyway.
> As for the puppy raising program at the school that Odie came from, I
> can't really comment on it as I don't know that much on whether they have
> the raisers touch the dog or not.
> I'm sure others on list would be able to shed some light on the puppy
> raising programs at their schools and the instructions directly.
> *Smiles*
> Bibi
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