[nagdu] EPI

Marsha Drenth marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 16:42:21 UTC 2012

Hi Folks,


I had to take Emma to the vet this morning. For the last 3 to 4 months,
probably longer, Emma has had reoccurring diarrhea. She eats, wants to eat,
but we will go into periods of the diarrhea, and then fine for a while. It
affects her work, as she does not feel well. So the doctor thinks she has
EPI, or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. 


I have never heard of this personally. Are there other dogs that have this?
She has lost 11 pounds in the last year and I can't put it back on her. The
vet was taking her blood and going to send this off to Texas A&M for
testing. But he was 95percent sure that is what she has. Her coat was being
affected too, as she was always itching. 


The vet says it can be treated, and hopefully she will put back on the
weight. I am just not sure where to go from here. I have read up online
about it. She will need to be put on a fiber free diet. And if the vet does
confirm that she does have it will be medicine for the rest of her life. 


I haven't really said much to anyone about all of this, but I have been
planning on retiring Emma at some point in the future. Not because of this
recent medical stuff, but because my situation has changed. I am traveling
on Temple campus a lot, and can't hear traffic. My balance is bad. This is
among other things. I have put an application into a different school for a
third dog that would help with guiding, balance and that could be trained
for alert, hearing stuff. 


I know I need to call Seeing Eye about this recent most medical issue. But I
am just so devastated, I feel like I should have been able to prevent this,
or I could have taken her in earlier. I also feel like Seeing Eye should
have known, but maybe they didn't. I am not by any means bashing them. Or
blaming them.  


Did any of this make sense? Maybe I am just feeling very alone with Emma and
her now EPI. 


*sigh* so if there are other dogs out there that have EPI, please email me.
What fiber free foods are good? 


Thank you,


Emma, GSD 6 years old.

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