[nagdu] When is the Connection Too Much?

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Wed Jan 11 03:38:45 UTC 2012

I figure it's my house and if I want to let the dogs wander about free, 
then that's my prerogative.  Now, in all fairness I do like to have my 
friends back for repeat visits, so I make sure the dogs are behaving 
appropriately. *smile*  dinner at home is no different than dinner in a 
restaurant in regard to the dog's behavior.  They have two choices, so I 
guess it's a tad different.  Anyway they can lay quietly under the table 
or next to my chair or they can be in a different room doing whatever it 
is they want to do.  Monty usually lays on the floor by me, while Belle 
prefers to enjoy stretching out on the couch.

I do agree with the original thought that some people are over the top 
about their guide dogs.  The dog's name in the signature line is one 
that particularly bugs me, especially when it's not clear whose the 
person and whose the dog.  I think it's sad that some people break off 
good friendships or family relationships because the friend or family 
member doesn't want the dog in their home or car.  I get that not all 
situations are the same and there are all sorts of factors that need to 
be considered.  I've also known of guide dog users who go to 
extraordinary measures to limit their employment to only situations that 
are absolutely perfect for the dog.  Usually this means the person 
remains unemployed.

I don't know though.  What makes perfect sense to me might be the 
perfectly wrong thing for the next person.  As long as it's not illegal 
or blatantly dangerous I try to remind myself to live and let live. It's 
still a work in progress. *smile*


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