[nagdu] When is the connection too much ?
Mardi Hadfield
wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 23:30:55 UTC 2012
Hi every one, I tend to agree with Dan on this one. I do sign my signature
with my dog on this list and one other list that has to do with training
dogs.That is the only time that I feel it is appropriate to do so.As far as
letting my dogs (there are many) have run of the house,as long as they
behave,I do let them.They do not beg for food when I am eating as they have
been trained not to. I do put them in crates when people come to my house
as there are so many of them and my house is small.I don't want people
tripping over dogs and getting hurt. This prevents unwanted law suits.
People frequently come to see the dogs as potential adopters, since most of
the dogs are rescues. I only show the dogs that are up for adoption,during
day time hours, out side unless it is raining.I only have one friend that
takes me places and most of the time I take the bus.Sometimes I do bring
the dog in Carla's car and some times I don't.If Carla or I have a time
limit and must be back home at a certain time,I will not take the dog,as
there is always some one who stops me to ask questions or to pet my dog and
that takes up time.I personally hate dealing with people who pet my dog
with out asking.When going to some Else's house, I only take the dog if
they tell me it is OK.If it is not OK with them,There is usually a good
reason,and I don't push it as it is a rare situation.I don't bring my dog
to Carla's house as she has 17 dogs there, most of them rescues. Why add to
that? I have other people bring dogs to my house for training some times.
I have friends that also have guide dogs and I have told them that if they
wish to bring them, that is fine with me as most guide dogs are well
behaved.This is what works for me. Mardi, the woman and Shaman the guide
dog LOL.
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