[nagdu] Bailey's Latest--bathing, weight, etc.

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Sat Jan 14 00:32:01 UTC 2012


In regard to weight and feeding...is it possible that the scale is in 
error?  That is a lot of weight change in two months and neither you or 
the vet noted any dramatic physical change.

On bathing...I always have bathed my dogs at home.  Honestly the main 
reason is that I'm cheap. *smile*  I just cannot bring myself to pay to 
take my dogs to a groomer when they don't need fancy hair cuts.

You can buy hand held shower nozzles which make bathing a dog a 
breeze.   I used to have one and loved it.  It broke, so now I'm using 
the cup method.  I get the dog in the tub, start the water running, use 
the large cup to soak dog thoroughly, soap em up, scrub a dub dub, rinse 
and rinse some more.  I use the running water to rinse so it doesn't 
contain soap suds.  when I think I've rinsed enough, I rub the dog all 
over looking for patches that feel slick.  that means I've missed a 
spot.  It's just like shampooing your own hair really.

I never use shampoo on the dog's head.  I leave it to last to minimize 
shaking.  Then I wipe the face and ears with a damp sponge or 
washcloth.   I towel dry to damp and then let them air dry the rest of 
the way.

I use Johnson and Johnson lavender baby bath, well the store brand 
equivalent.  Monty has dry skin so I put a bit of coconut oil on him.  
Belle is fine with no sort of conditioner.

I just gave both dogs a bath Tuesday.  The whole event took me about an 
hour, from searching for my old towels, to actual bathing, to clean 
up.    Oh another tip, bath the dog right before you intend on cleaning 
the bathroom anyway.  Then you don't end up doing it twice!


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