[nagdu] How often to bathe your dog

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 23:02:08 UTC 2012

Hi Marion, way back when I was a vet teck, I asked the vet how often to
bathe my dog.My dog was a lab pet at that time and I was told that it was
best not to bathe unless the dog got into something smelly or got dirty or
had fleas or ticks.He said that if bathed too often,the dogs skin could dry
out causing flaking and itching.He said that a healthy dog never needs
bathing except for the affore mentioned situations. If a dog has skin
conditions such as allergic reactions, itching or has oily skin or has hot
spots,there are many special dog shampoos on the market to relieve those
conditions.I only bathe my dogs in the summer,out side with the hose and
use a shampoo that is made for dogs.Dawn is very good for dogs that tend to
have oily skin and is fine to use on dogs that are not bathed often as it
can dry out the skin if used too frequently.I have used it on my Border
Collie, Max.I use an oatmeal based shampoo for Shaman as he has allergies
and is itchy. I do notice that Shaman has a slight odor on him and before I
put his harness on, I give him a quick brushing and use a spray made for
dogs to make them smell nice.This keeps him smelling good when we are out
and about.I use the vanilla,coconut scent and get frequent comments on how
nice my dog smells.I have never used this on any of my huskies as they
never have any odor on them. I once had to use tomato juice on my lab that
got skunked. I had to use it 4 days in a row before the smell went away but
it did work.Now days they make a special shampoo for skunk odors but
thankfully, I have not had to use it.    Larry, I have never had any odors
or oily skin problems on any of my Huskies or on any of the rescue huskies
I have here.I did bathe Lily more often as she was a white husky and got
dirty riding our very dirty buses.Nala was a dark gray and white husky and
I bathed her only when her white markings got dirty which was not very
often as she always seemed to stay clean. May be Canadian huskies are
different? Any way, I tend to agree on what my vet told me about bathing
dogs and it works for me. Have a great day,  Mardi and Shaman.


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