[nagdu] off list: Re: Facebook & NAGDU
Steven Johnson
blinddog3 at charter.net
Fri Mar 2 01:09:23 UTC 2012
Bibi et al,
Firstly, although I am not a member of the formal NAGDU Board, I am part of
the NAGDU Leadership. Furrthermore, even before I learned of the NAGDU
Board discussing this, I did locate this on Facebook...on my own accord as
you see, Facebook is a public domain website. I like anyone else, can
simply put in a word in the search field and whala, ya listing of matches
comes...try it with NAGDU, NFB or any other term. And, just as an FYI, I
have also way before I discovered this on Facebook, created our own State
Division group, called WAGDU. Being a public domain, anyone can simply
locate and request to join, or *like* the page and become involved.
Honestly, if this were a *draft* site like mentioned, then tell me why it is
live? Maybe this should have been thought a little more before posting a
live site that anyone can access.
I for one, am somewhat a little thrown off by the negativity to this post as
any frequent user of Facebook can do what I did, and try to stay connected
with a variety of NFB-related groups.
Sometimes, the negativity and the approach by persons on this list puts me
off. If it was such a big deal, then maybe the person/s making a big deal
out of this should have been a bigger person and approached me...off list
like any good leader would.
I am at about a point to where I just want to remove myself from this group.
I bust my butt to make information available, advocate on the behalf of all
of my peers using service dogs, and advocate for system change that improves
so much for all of us.
Although I apologized in my opening statement about this post, but my gut
feeling tells me to say why the heck should I? If anyone finds good
information, wouldn't you post? I for one, did this, and as previously
stated, actually told the Board that this link was live as no one else
knew...talk with Tina about this, or better yet, listen to the recording of
the last NAGDU meeting. There was no mention of what she stated in her
email to this group, or any mention of this being a draft. So, persecute me
if you will, but it is what it is.
Steve Johnson, WAGDU President
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Criminal Justice Major
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 6:15 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: [nagdu] off list: Re: Facebook & NAGDU
Hi, Tina,
It's Bibi and Odie from NAGDU and The Dog Park lists in Denver, Colorado.
Gee, that's nice having a non board member doing that without anyone knowing
Glad the situation will be fixed so nothing is at high risk of something bad
My computer had been attacked severely two or three times at least because
of unknown things that would pop up, so since that happening, I'm more
causcious and try to watch on what I do.
Will be praying all goes well and the success of having the NAGDU page on
Facebook turns out to be a good result.
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