[nagdu] the GDF ownership contract terms
Marion Gwizdala
blind411 at verizon.net
Fri Mar 16 01:08:05 UTC 2012
My statement was not meant, in any way, to imply that I "bargained"
with my agreement. What I meant was that GDF offered community training,
something I was seeking as I did not have the ability to attend a campus, so
I compromised my own interest for the terms of the contract. As for the
breed of dog, I requested a German Shepherd and was told one was not
available, so I agreed to whatever dog was best suited for the work it would
do for me. Around the time they were looking for a match for me, I was
advised a Shepherd was coming available and I was asked if I would be
willing to wait a little longer for a dog so they could finish the Shepherd
and see if he would work for me.
as for the term of the agreement referring to the age, I will need to
find my agreement and look at it again. I'm not sure where I got the
"five-year-old" provision, but it sticks in my head for some reason. I will
let the list know what I find.
Fraternally yours,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenine Stanley" <jeninems at wowway.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:00 PM
Subject: [nagdu] the GDF ownership contract terms
>I would like to speak to the terms Marion quoted regarding ownership and
> contract we require for all graduates of the Guide dog foundation.
> Marion stated that his contract said that if the dog was less than 5 years
> old, we would require that it come back for evaluation. He also stated
> that
> he agreed to this term in order to get home training and receive a German
> Shepherd.
> I wanted to clarify a few things about these statements. I have worked at
> the Foundation since 2008 and our ownership agreement has not changed
> since
> then. I was also on class to receive a dog during that time and have a
> copy
> of my own such agreement. The actual term from the contract used for every
> graduate of our program receiving ownership states:
> "If within twenty-four months after placement I choose to discontinue use
> of
> the dog as a Guide Dog for the purpose trained, I will inform the
> Foundation
> immediately. The Foundation has the option to evaluate and reassign the
> dog
> to another qualified recipient."
> this contract is standard and is not modified for the purposes of
> bargaining
> or receiving specific services, breeds of dog, etc. Each graduate receives
> a
> copy of this contract in print and on CD in MS Word in the Going Home
> packet. The contract is signed by Wells B. Jones, our Chief Executive
> Officer, and any other agreements or promises outside of this signed
> contract related to ownership are not valid.
> We determine length and location of training based on very individual
> factors such as ability to work with a guide dog, availability of staff,
> location of applicant, etc.
> though we try to honor breed and gender preferences, the safety of the
> team
> is the most important factor. If our instructors feel we do not have a dog
> of the breed and/or gender that will appropriately match the applicant's
> needs, we will not place just any dog of the preferred breed or gender.
> If you have any further questions about our application procedures, please
> contact me off this list. Please know that we will not discuss individual
> graduates with anyone and that terms for custody versus ownership upon
> graduation are confidential and made on an individual basis.
> Jenine Stanley
> Consumer Relations Coordinator
> Guide Dog Foundation(R) and America's VetDogs (R) the Veterans K-9 Corps
> (R) Providing Second Sight since 1946
> 371 E. Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787
> Office: 631-930-9000,
> Toll-free: 866-282-8047
> Fax 631-930-9009
> jenine at guidedog.org
> To make a donation that can change a life... contact the Guide Dog
> Foundation(R) at www.guidedog.org or America's VetDogs (R) the Veterans
> K-9
> Corps (R) at www.vetdogs.org
> Visit us on facebook at:
> www.facebook.com/GuideDogFoundation or www.facebook.com/AmericasVetDogs
> Jenine Stanley
> jeninems at wowway.com
> http://www.twitter.com/jeninems
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