[nagdu] dog dreams

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Tue May 1 13:20:33 UTC 2012

My Amba used to snore loudly, especially in boring meetings.  I was always
afraid people would think it was me, and I'd nudge her to wake her up a
bit.  Poor old gal, just trying to get some shut-eye!

> Hello:
> Bailey rarely runs or barks in his sleep, but I have woken up in the
> middle of the night with those oddly muted, far off yips ringing in my
> ears. Because I was tangled in my covers, I decided, in my bleary,
> half-awake state, to roll out of bed on top of him. This resulted in a
> startled puppy and a fully awake master, brought to not by the warm, yet
> coarse fur of a sleeping shepherd, but by the cold hard reality of a cold
> hard floor.
> On one other occasion, I was reading on the couch and the dog was across
> the room, sleeping on his bed. His sleep noises disturbed the alternate
> reality constructed by my all-too-vivid imagination, ironically dissolving
> the half dream state induced by the indescribable pleasures of a good
> yarn. I fumbled on the couch next to me, coming upon the TV remote and
> discarding it. My fingers happened upon a pillow, which I promptly chucked
> at the dog. The dreaming ceased, but Bailey wasn't too slow to recognize
> the opportunity which had been quite literally thrown at him. When later I
> went to retrieve my weapon, I found it firmly held to the ground by a big,
> furry shepherd head and a paw. His look was all too smug as I cursed him
> lovingly and tugged the pillow from beneath his grinning snout.
> I haven't yet been unlucky enough to have him in the throes of a
> rabbit-chasing dream in class, but he's come close--his paws were
> twitching madly and he was breathing heavily. Foreseeing this potential
> embarrassment, I subtly nudged him with my shoe and the disaster was
> averted.
> Robert Hooper
> Hooper.90 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
> The Ohio State University
> 0653 Buckeye-Cuyahoga CT
> 653 Cuyahoga Court
> Columbus, Ohio 43210
> (740) 856-8195
> -----Original Message-----

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