[nagdu] Hi, I'm back

Lyn Gwizdak linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Sat May 5 20:07:11 UTC 2012

Hey Jenny,
Welcome back.

I would start slow with walking to get in shape.  Yeah, be open with GDB 
about your weight.  Have you tried any other schools like GDD or GDA?  They 
are smaller schools and seem to be more open to special needs folks than 

Last night, I saw some pole dance on TV and there was a woman who was 250 
lbs and she did those pole exercises just as well as the slim women did. 
She carried her weight very well.  I think the big difference is if you get 
and keep your body in good shape with exercise - walking.  I see no reason 
why you can't work a guide dog.  many like to walk slow - hey want Landon! 
(grin!)  He's too slow for me these days! LOL!

Seriously, there are dogs who work well with a slow pace and the school just 
needs to make the right match for you.

Yeah I'd wait if you get the gastro bypass.  There's a good chunk of time in 
healing from that - I knew a woman who had that done.

Good luck to you and I wish you sucess!

Lyn and Landon
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jenny Keller" <jlperdue3 at gmail.com>
To: "the National Association of Guide Dog Users NAGDU Mailing List" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 3:32 PM
Subject: [nagdu] Hi, I'm back

> Hi I'm Jenny Keller, you know, the one that retired her dog a rew weeks 
> ago from Southeastern.
> I was going to have gastric bypass surgery before getting medical approval 
> to go to GDB because they wanted me to have the surgery and recover first 
> because my pace would quicken, but it looks like there is no way to travel 
> to the city that has it available for all the things I'd need to do, much 
> less the surgery.  So I'm just trying to work up my stamina with the 
> weight I have and hope the GDB will still take me.
> I did somehow develop a hernia in my belly due to some kind of intestinal 
> quirk that was going on and now is gone, but I'll probably have to have it 
> surgically dealt with before I can proceed.
> I won't be able to walk fast like I would if I had the bypass surgery, but 
> I can still walk and get things done even though I'm overweight.
> Do you think I still have a chance?
> Jenny
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