[nagdu] curious about street names for dogs
rhonda cruz
rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 15:44:06 UTC 2012
hi i normally tell others my dog is working. so please don't pet. and it works. people often have questions, to ask. about us.
i offen teach others. if they are willing to learn.
On Oct 3, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Hi Meghan,
> Your approach is very like my approach. I've always thought that the just hollering at people not to pet my dog thing never worked very well, and that's not counting the ones who just sneak in a pet just because they want to and I don't notice. So I've always felt that it's a much more effective approach to correct my dog for his paying attention to things/people he shouldn't be when he shouldn't be. (This has a secondary effect of getting people to take a step back for getting my dog in trouble.) Of course, I'll still remove people from my dog if I catch them.
> As for street names, I don't use one for a couple reasons. First, I'm no good at lying. Second, a street name can be nearly the same as the dog's real name, especially if he learns that "George" means "him". Finally, wouldn't it be kind of obvious if I told someone his name was George, then called him Fred right after? Now mind you, it doesn't keep me from occasionally telling people that my dog's name is Tralfazz, but that's another story. Really, people hav always had trouble with all three of my dogs' names for som reason. Probably least with Karl. But Chet was Check, Chuck, Chat, all sorts of things. Leno was Leonard, Lenode, Lanno, and just plain "What did you say?"
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Oct 3, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Meghan Whalen <mewhalen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I haven't found it makes much of a difference for my dogs, but there are some people who just really bother me a lot if they know my dog's name. Like you, I teach my dogs to ignore petting, talking to etc, because I can control my dog's reactions much more than I can control how everyone will react to my dog, if that makes sense.
>> Meghan
>> On 10/2/2012 9:51 PM, Julie McGinnity wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> This topic was brought up a few days ago about Marsha's dog, and I was
>>> curious about the use of fake(street) names for guide dogs. Have any
>>> of you done this? Was it successful? I have never considered doing
>>> such a thing because even though it can distract my dog if people know
>>> her name, it is equally distracting when they make eye contact with
>>> her or make noises at her. I never thought giving out a fake name
>>> would really solve the problem. I have just tried teaching my dog to
>>> ignore such distractions. So have any of you found that your dog is
>>> less distracted if people don't know the name? I'm curious.
>>> I hope everyone had a good Tuesday.
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