[nagdu] Having a bit of trouble convincing my dog to reverse course
Ashley Coleman
amc05111 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 18:24:33 UTC 2012
Julie, I agree with you here. Our dogs do get set in there ways, and
when something gets changed or we decide to go somewhere else they can
be quite stuburned.
Usually, what I try to do is turn around, and have Landon heal, and
tell him to go forward. He will hesitate and look back, but once he
figures out that we're going some where else; he's usually
On 10/3/12, Julie McGinnity <kaybaycar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Brian and all, Brie and I struggle with this all the time! She is
> very stubbern and does not want to turn around. I have always just
> turned myself around and then told her to heal. She still doesn't
> like it, but with a firm forward and a let's go, she will start
> moving. I think some dogs get set in their ways, and when they get
> used to a routine, they are thrown off when you want to do something
> differently. In my case, I walk on the same campus every single day,
> and my dog knows now the different routs we take. They do learn
> rather quickly, which can be a good thing, but it isn't when the
> pattern changes and you want the dog to do something else. Hope I mak
> sense.
> On 10/3/12, rhonda cruz <rhondaprincess at gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi brian, may and i know the right about command. we are from pilot
>> dogs.
>> and it works great.
>> sending you positive hugs.
>> On Oct 3, 2012, at 7:19 AM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
>>> I've taught Ben the command "turn around", just by saying it and doing
>>> it.
>>> We use it all the time when we enter an elevator and turn around.
>>> Benny has no problem when I need to turn around and reverse course.
>>> Guess
>>> he's not surprised when I forget something and have to go back.
>>> If he's really poky, and happy chirping doesn't do the trick, I may take
>>> the leash and give him a leash cue, pulling the leash gently but firmly
>>> forward, and giving a firm Hup up.. I only do this in areas I know real
>>> well, though it should be OK to do in an area we've just walked through.
>>> HTH.
>>> Tracy
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> When my dog is slow in the same way as you describe, I show a treat,
>>>> and this starts to move him along.
>>>> I take treats with me, when I know that there is going to be a problem.
>>>> Just a small bit of dog food.
>>>> I also have a dog from seeing eye.
>>>> We just turn around, I tend to say about, even though it wasn't taught
>>>> in class.
>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> Good Morning All,
>>>>> In Marsha's blog, she mentions the "About" command, which sounds like
>>>>> it is used when you want to turn yourself and your dog around 180
>>>>> degrees and head in the opposite direction. This reminded me that I've
>>>>> been meaning to ask for opinions on convincing my dog that it is OK to
>>>>> turn around and reverse course. My guide Marqi is quite hesitant to
>>>>> move forward if I've turned us around 180 degrees. Actually, to call
>>>>> her behavior "hesitant" is a serious understatement. She plumb will
>>>>> not
>>>>> budge until I've provided much cajoling and praise as we inch forward,
>>>>> for example, if we've left the house and I realize I've forgotten
>>>>> something and want to go back, or if we're halfway down a block and I
>>>>> realize I wanted to turn left at the previous intersection.
>>>>> I don't recall learning a specific command for this at TSE, so I tend
>>>>> to just turn around and give the heel and forward commands. She obeys
>>>>> those commands without issue in normal travel, but strongly disobeys
>>>>> the forward command if I've turned us around.
>>>>> I haven't found myself in this sort of situation often, but of course
>>>>> when it does arise I'm usually running late and would like to have a
>>>>> reliable way to quickly convince Marqi that I'm not getting us lost
>>>>> and
>>>>> that it is OK in this situation to reverse course.
>>>>> Any experienced thoughts much appreciated,
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Bryan
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> --
> Julie McG
> Lindbergh High School class of 2009, National Federation of the Blind
> of Missouri recording secretary,
> Missouri Association of Guide dog Users President,
> and proud graduate of Guiding Eyes for the Blind
> "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
> everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal
> life."
> John 3:16
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