[nagdu] Interviews
Lyn Gwizdak
linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Sun Oct 7 21:09:58 UTC 2012
Hi Kody,
I didn't have to get an interview as a returning student. The returning
students file a shorter application whereas you newbys or new to TSE have to
do the long one that has stuff about your mobility, references, etc.
Because I need a tall dog for balance, I waited about six months from
putting my application in in May 2007 and getting a class date for October
2007. The times can vary because it all depends on if they have a correct
match for you ready for placement. If you can take anything - no special
needs - the wait time can be shorter.
Lyn and Landon
"Education creates tolerance towards diversity."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kody Keplinger" <kodytheduff at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 9:21 PM
Subject: [nagdu] Interviews
> Hi all!
> So first, thanks for all the help you gave me with this application
> process. As of this morning, I've mailed off all of my info for both TSE
> and Fidelco. Now the next step for both, I believe, are the home
> interviews.
> I talked to the admissions person at Fidelco (Tara) and she said she
> thinks
> they'll be able to interview me in October (preferable since I am going
> out
> of town for 2 months starting November 1). But what about TSE? Anyone who
> has worked with TSE, how long after your paperwork was sent in did you
> have
> an interview? And, after that, how long was it before you had an answer?
> Thanks again for all the help and support! I am very, very excited to be
> done with the first round of paperwork. I just hope that, by this time
> next year, I have a smart, wonderful, beautiful guide dog as part of my
> family.
> Kody
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