[nagdu] tough dog toys

Debbie Cole debbieanne1124 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 01:42:28 UTC 2012

Thanks for that info Julie.  I'll check it out.

Leone has a Kong.  On her birthday I make a little frozen treat with
her dog food moistneed and a little  peanut butter mixed in.  Stuff
her kong and wrap it in saran wrap and freeze (or in a ziplock bag.  I
let her have it and she loves it frozen.  Course her birthday si in

the Wubba's are not so great as safe.  She ahs chewed her wubba to a
frazzled thing.

A great toy i created as  suggested by our friend Karyn & thane is I
sliced up an old pair of sweat pants into strips and tied them
together knotting at the ends and she Loves that.  We play tug.

On 10/15/12, Julie J. <julielj at neb.rr.com> wrote:
> Sorry, yes Cuz and Ruffians are different toys from different
> companies.  Reading back through my message I realized that the way I
> described them made it sound like they were somehow related.
> I buy all of my dog toys at King Wholesale:
> http://www.kingwholesale.com/
> They are about half the price you pay at a Petsmart or Petco for the
> same exact toy.  You do not have to purchase wholesale quantities.  They
> charge $10  handling fee for orders under $100, but shipping is free on
> most items.   I've been ordering from them for years and am very pleased
> with the quality, prices and service.
> Julie
> On 10/15/2012 9:18 AM, Vanessa Lowery wrote:
>> Griffin enjoys the Ruffian toys as well.  Right now, he is fixated on his
>> two Bad Cuz Balls.  While those are not Ruffian toys, they are often
>> grouped wht the Ruffian toys because they are made of similar material and
>> are qite durable.  Such toys, which are squeaky toys, are the only ones
>> that ahve had a somewhat longer "chew life" in the jaws of Griffin.
>> Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
>> Adult and Community Services Division
>> Adult Services Screening Unit
>> 410-853-3550
>> VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
>>>>> "Julie J."<julielj at neb.rr.com>  10/14/2012 7:16 PM>>>
>> The Cuz line of toys are really good.  Monty's favorite are the
>> Ruffians.  Both of these types of toys make noise when they are
>> squeezed, which is Monty's favorite thing ever...well after food.  The
>> rubber type of Kong toys are also very durable, but neither of my dogs
>> is much into them.  I have purchased the Air Kong toys that have a
>> tennis ball type of coating.  they are well liked by the dogs, but don't
>> hold up very well.  I also like the rope tugs made by Buddha bone and
>> the Invincible Chain who I can't remember the manufacturer.  The rope
>> toys and the Invincible Chain last a few months around here, but I still
>> feel like I've gotten my money's worth out of them.
>> HTH
>> Julie
>> On 10/13/2012 5:49 AM, mary wurtzel wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I know  how it is with new people on a list so I am sorry ahead of my
>>> question.  Someone asks questions that have probably been covered
>>> multiple times.
>>> My question is where to find sturdy not easily distructable dog  toys?
>>> Felix is a large dog and seems to be able to chew up most toys that
>>> pet store  people say are very tough.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Mary
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Debbie Cole

debbieanne1124 at gmail.com

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