[nagdu] Question from anyone who works and has a guide dog
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Fri Oct 19 20:18:43 UTC 2012
How long is this training going to be?
She might not be a good dog for working in a center as you wish to work in.
What does your instructor say?
Original message:
> Hi,
> I try to walk her twice a day. I releave her up to 3 times a day she
> is fine at home. I also try to reeave her while on break when up at
> trainning.
> matthew Dyer
> matthew Dyer
> Sent from my mac mini.
> e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
> Skype: graduater 2004
> Follow me on twitter at mdyer1.
> Facebook: ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
> Find me on zello at graduater2004.
> On Oct 19, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Cindy Ray wrote:
>> How often do you take her out during the day? You haven't had her for
>> very long, have you? Julie makes good suggestions. You can practice the
>> long sits and stays at home to get her to understand that this is the
>> behavior you would need from her.
>> CL
>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 12:42 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>> Hi, The computer lab is a large room. I just had her lay just beside
>>> my chair. She is fine for a little bit, but she just kep getting up.
>>> She would try to jump on me. I do take her out to poddy before I leave
>>> each other morning.
>>> matthew Dyer
>>> matthew Dyer
>>> Sent from my mac mini.
>>> e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
>>> Skype: graduater 2004
>>> Follow me on twitter at mdyer1.
>>> Facebook: ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
>>> Find me on zello at graduater2004.
>>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
>>>> What did she do, exactly?
>>>> Did she have a comfortable, safe place to lie near you, one where people
>>>> weren't constantly walking around her?
>>>> I have a dog mat in my cubicle where Ben lies. It makes the floor softer,
>>>> and it identifies that place as his.
>>>> I did keep him on tie-down for a while, but now he just dives under my
>>>> desk and curls up in his spot. It's hard to get him to come out, he loves
>>>> his cave so.
>>>> Tracy
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am looking for any ideas on how to handle Izzy while oon the job.
>>>>> This past week I went to the trainning service here and took Izzy
>>>>> with me and for some reason I could not keep Izzy com. I ended up getting
>>>>> time off the trainning because of this. What do people do before hand?
>>>>> I do make it a point to do obideanse with her, but she still seems hiper.
>>>>> Any idea on how to rectify this problem?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> matthew Dyer
>>>>> matthew Dyer
>>>>> Sent from my mac mini.
>>>>> e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
>>>>> Skype: graduater 2004
>>>>> Follow me on twitter at mdyer1.
>>>>> Facebook: ilovecountrymusic483 at gmail.com
>>>>> Find me on zello at graduater2004.
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