[nagdu] First dog concerns
rhonda cruz
rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 20:01:00 UTC 2012
hi chris,
i also have a german sheppard.
just play with him and it will work out.
for you. all the best.
On Sep 4, 2012, at 12:34 PM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
> Hi Chris.
> Call The Seeing Eye. Traffic is nothing to mess with. They'll be better
> able to help you than the list. And they're happy to do it.
> I was hit by a car once, and my dog was killed. I lost my confidence in
> street crossings, and it was transmitted to my next dog, so yes, your dog
> can pick up on your lack of confidence. Eventually, I got a dog who had
> enough confidence for both of us, and I got my nerve back. But better not
> to start down that road at all.
> I know what you mean about having a hard time getting to know your dog.
> My Ben is quite aloof. I like to say he's a secret experiment, crossing a
> lab with a cat. He will run around me a bit first thing in the morning,
> and usually that's it. It took some getting used to. I just had to pay
> attention, and see what it seemed he wanted, and pat him anyway, even if
> he didn't seem to be excited about it. I think of him as an old-fashioned
> guy, the Humphrey Bogart of guide dogs. He gets up and goes to work, then
> he comes home and sits in his Lazyboy with a beer. He doesn't bring home
> flowers, or make passionate declarations of undying love, but that's not
> important. He's happy and he does his job. He just doesn't wear his
> heart on his sleeve. Hope that makes some sense.
> Be patient. It took a long time for me to bond with Ben, but slowly it
> happened, and we could still work together all through it.
> Tracy
>> Good afternoon List,
>> My name is Chris Harrington, and I have recently gotten an awesome
>> guide dog from the seeing eye named Biery. He is a male german
>> shepherd, and an extremely sweet dog. However, I am having some
>> worries about our bond and the future. He is a confident dog,
>> especially ware traffic is concerned. However, he is sensative as
>> well. During training at the seeing eye, I was traffic checked, and
>> Biery got me quite close to the car. He was hit with the news paper,
>> however the supervisor missed and hit him in the eye area. After that,
>> his confidence was down to nothing when it came to intersections. That
>> passed, and he bounced back to his confident self after about a week.
>> I was crossing the street in front of my college campus last thursday,
>> and came with in two feet of a car that was turning as I was crossing
>> the street. I could hear it turning in front of me beforehand, so I
>> kept the instinct to get out of the way down until I was up close to
>> it, at which time I panicked. I thought I felt Biery back up, but I
>> can't be sure. A gentleman saw me from across the street, and he came
>> out and let me grab an arm to get the rest of the way across, which I
>> accepted, because at that point, I wanted out of the street as quickly
>> as possible. From what the gentleman had told me, the dog veered me
>> out of the cross walk, but I wasn't in the intersection, because I
>> could hear cars going by on my left hand side. It's been extremely
>> hard for me to moove the trust from myself, to the dog, and with this
>> happening, I'm having even more trouble as far as trust goes. Will the
>> dog pick up on this and shut itself off from me? I'm also having some
>> trouble getting to "know" the dog if that makes any sort of sense...
>> He's not a verry playful dog, and I'm having a really hard time
>> figuring out what he likes and doesn't like. I hope I'm making some
>> sort of sense here, and I appolagize for the ramble, but this is
>> something I am really worried about.
>> Any suggestions would really really be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris Harrington
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