[nagdu] Indoor Behavior - So Confused

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Sun Sep 9 15:50:44 UTC 2012

Hi, I'm sorry theese things are happening to you. First of all, if cocoa needs to be back on leash or tiedown It needs to be done whether your family likes it or not. Vood on the floor is like a magnet to a lab. Because it is also their home they share responsibility in the food department. Your dad hasn't helped with the feeding of scraps to your dog but that isn't your fault  especially since you have told him not to do it. It sounds like you are all under a lot of stress right now. I know how hard is is to take control of a situation when living with your family but Cocoa is yours and not theirs.

Sheila Leigland

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