[nagdu] Considering A Dog
Juanita Herrera
juanitaherrera1991 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 05:38:49 UTC 2012
Hello Cody,
I know you stated that you don't want a lab as your first guide. How
about golden retrievers? I am a graduate from Guide Dogs For The Blind
(GDB). The reason I asked if you would also be open to goldens is
because GDB offers most of what you are looking for with the only
exception that they don't train german sheperds. They only train labs
and goldens or crosses of the above. They teach the "find" command,
they offer a training program of either 2 weeks or 3 weeks. You can
choose, and they have 2 campuses. You have the option of training in
Portland, Oregon or in the San Francisco area in California. The
waiting period from the time you fill out the initial application is 6
months or so, but time tends to go by quickly because while you wait
to go to class you provide the school with references, physician
applications, you do a phone and home interview, and you are given
study material to study at home. GDB also offers a in-home training
program, so you have many options as to where or how you would like to
train. The only thing is that they don't train german sheperds. If you
have any additional questions, feel free to email me off list at:
juanitaherrera1991 at gmail.com
Best Regards,
Juanita, Anise, and Benson
On 9/19/12, Kody Keplinger <kodytheduff at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I found this list yesterday and have been browsing the archives for info.
> After some serious thought, I have decided to look into getting a guide
> dog. I do have some concerns that I know others have brought up in the
> past (I do have remaining vision, and I know it may impair my trust of the
> dog at first, but I believe I can overcome this, especially since my
> retained vision is only useful outdoors during the day.) After asking
> around about different schools and commands, I know I want to apply to
> schools that teach "find" commands (ex. "find a chair" or "find the
> stairs") as these are very difficult things for me in unfamiliar indoor
> settings. I also want a school that trains dogs for trains/subways since I
> live in NYC and that's an important part of my daily life.
> I have a pretty strong breed preference to either a German Shepherd or a
> Boxer. I LOVE labs, but they've been family pets my whole life, and my gut
> is telling me that, for my first guide dog, and one I'll work with as a
> partner, I want to step away from labs if at all possible. My first choice
> of school was Fidelco, but I read today some of the controversy from last
> year. I like their program because a.) they focus on german shepherds and
> b.) I like the idea of starting, from day one, in my neighborhood. I know
> some programs take you to NYC as sort of a final "challenge" - but as NYC
> is my home, I'd rather it not be my big challenge, I'd rather it be my
> regular, if that makes sense at all. Is the controversy over Fidelco and
> ownership still brewing? Has anyone worked with them lately?
> Looking at other schools, can any of you give me some info on which ones
> teach the "find" commands as well as provide german shepherds and/or boxers
> (and that allow you to specify a preference)? Also, any info on the wait
> times for these programs (from turning in the application, to acceptance,
> to attending the school) would be incredibly helpful/appreciated. (I found
> the old surveys on GDUI, but they were from 2008 and I wasn't sure how
> up-to-date they were.)
> Thanks for any info you can give, guys! I'm so glad I found this listserv
> already. The archives have already given me so much direction.
> Best,
> Kody
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