[nagdu] 3 days and counting
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Fri Sep 21 02:49:20 UTC 2012
Hi Marsha,
It is fun to not only be excited, but to watch those get excited to get
the new dog.
We will keep watching for progress, and wishing you the best.
Blessings always,
Original message:
> Hi List,
> There was over whelming response to my question about blogging for my
> training. This will be the only post on the matter, but if you will see
> my signature below has the web address for my blog. Please let me know
> if the link works. And your welcome to emaiil me offlist about my blog.
> my classmates from temple will be reading too.
> I can't believe its 3 days in counting. Today was my last day of
> classes. And as I walking back to the train, I was like "Wow". Really?
> Seriously? I am am about to go into class? I am out of my mind nervous.
> Way more nervous than I was for either of my dogs. There is just so
> much to do in the next few days.
> Good luck to those who are going into class too.
> Happy reading of my adventures, if you choose to read. If not, that is
> okay too.
> Marsha drenth
> Sent with my IPhone
> http://adventureswith2feet4paws.blogspot.com
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every saint has a past
every sinner has a future
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