[nagdu] Veterinary assistance

Marsha Drenth marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 14:49:50 UTC 2013


This is being very financially judgemental. Putting aside the emergency or life threatening situations, whether or not a person is able to take care of a  dog is dependent on a personal opinion. I will give an example to clear up what I am saying. Person "a" goes to a school to get a guide dog. They live on a limited income. They can pay for food. But the school gives all of the other necessary supplies, like a bowl, collar, tags, bed, and a bone or a toy. What or who is to say that this is not enough to take care of a dog? Okay so the person can't afford a vet bill. Does that mean they can not take care of a pup in the right way? Most of us take our dogs to get groomed, because that person grooms at home, and they can't afford a luxury, they are not taking care of that dog? Because the dog does  have  only one toy or the person can't afford to buy more, does that means its not being care for? What about those older folks who are on fixed incomes, who want to have greater independence. I guess my point is, it really is personal opinion on how much or how little financial dependence or independence we are willing to have or want in regards to our guides. That same financial independence or dependence can also effect the quality of care we are able to give, but it should not be the only factor. How and what we think is taking care of our dogs is our opinion too. I am not saying someone who can't pay for the basics, should not be mindful of that before getting a guide. Financial independence does not equal the best care, nor does financial dependence equal bad care. There are alot of factors that play into this. Yes I know there are those folks that can never afford dog food, or vet bills, and who relye on financial assistance all of the time, but just because of this means they don't deserve a dog? again I knwo that there are special cases where persons who have no money, who do not care of their dogs in an humane way. 

This arguement is also the same as persons who are blind who get SSDI or SSi, who don't need it, or who could go out and get jobs. My point in including this, that its not our right to hold our opinions up to other peoples lives. What might be right for us and our dogs, for our financial situation is right for us, no anyone else. 

In regards to the NFB's thoughts on  independence. Why would financial depednence or independence be a factor in this. Yes the NFB promotes independence, but there are limits to that. Just because a person can't afford the newest and greatest technology does not mean they are not independent. Because we ask for help in buying our groceries, does not mean we are not  independent. Because we ask for help in vet bills when there is a emergency or its out of our income, does not mean we are not independent. Because I am deafblind, and can't cross the street and need assitance, does that mean I am not independent? Our defination of independence should come within ourselves, not from an organization. Nor because our ability to do things independently or dependently should not be judge.  I believe in self reliance, making my own desicions, trying to do things, but just because this is right for me, does not mean its not right for others. 

There is more I could say on this topic but won't. 
Marsha drenth  
Sent with my IPhone 

On Apr 12, 2013, at 4:14 PM, "Steven Johnson" <blinddog3 at charter.net> wrote:

> Ah yes, but as we look at the concept of independence, this most certainly
> throws a wrench into it, and from what I understand, the NFB philosophy.
> So, what I am hearing you say, is that is alright for someone to get a dog
> even if they cannot afford it, but still can depend on others to fund the
> cares?  I do believe one can call that dependence.  If a school does not
> screen for a person's ability to care for their dog long-term, then I
> certainly hope that they are not considered until they have a more reliable
> means to cover those ongoing costs independently.  I am not arguing that a
> dog isn't  a great tool to get around, but if you can't afford it, then you
> are living beyond your means.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ken Ace
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 2:43 PM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Veterinary assistance
> Most schools that I am aware of project the annual cost of maintaining a
> guide dog. If that is an expense you are unable or unwilling to embrace then
> perhaps you should consider another course of action. You may want to pursue
> some other form of funding your Guide Dog expense, i.e. church, charity,
> local neighborhood funding, anything that can get you to your goal of
> mobility, what ever it takes, a Guide Dog is worth the effort.
> Ken & Ace
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Steven Johnson
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 1:10 PM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: [nagdu] Veterinary assistance
> Eve,
> Veterinary assistance is an interesting subject as I wonder how many feel
> that if one is not able to take care of a dog, then why even bother getting
> one?  Kind of a like a car, a home, or any other type of property.  In my
> bias opinion, it is the responsibility of the individual, not the training
> program to care for the dog.  If a training program grants ownership upon
> graduation, then by all means, it is that handlers responsibility, and that
> should be a term in the final ownership contract.  If the training program
> does not provide ownership until after 1, 2 or however many years, then yes,
> subsidizing that cost may indeed be a part of the training programs
> responsibility with the caveat that after ownership is granted, it becomes
> their baby to take care of and care for.  I would be interested in hearing
> what others have to say, as any of us who have a guide realize that there
> are costs involved, and sometimes, significant costs especially if something
> catastrophic or emergent occurs.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Eve Sanchez
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 10:51 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] A cane user interested in a dog guide
> Just curious. Reading all the posts, there is a lot of mention of
> veternarian assistance. I am wondering if all the schools provide assitance
> of some type. I heard specifically that GDA does and I know that Pilot does.
> What of the others? As I said, just curious. Eve
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Eve Sanchez <celticyaya at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oh I knew I would get it for that. It's just a personal prejudice I 
>> guess. I wont own one. Never have. Well, I actualy have owned two dogs 
>> that were each one quarter lab, but I didnt admit it often. Cant 
>> really say as to why. Just experiences I have had I guess and dont 
>> bother trying to change my mind. No one can. I have a golden retriever 
>> right now. My last dog was a german shepherd. I know that not all dogs 
>> in a breed are alike, but I cant get over my prejudice I guess. I do 
>> know that for some reason I could tolerate yellows much better than 
>> blacks so I am wondering if it might be a childhood thing.  Never 
>> really thought about chocolates one way or another.  Well, sorry, but
>> that's how I feel. ;X Eve    Oh and I know it is not black dogs in
>> particular that I do not like. We had a black pitbull once that was a 
>> sweetheart. Her name was Loca and she thought she was a chihuahua.
>> Again, sorry.
>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Lyn Gwizdak <linda.gwizdak at cox.net>
> wrote:
>>> Hi Eve,
>>> What kind of dog do you have?  What do you not like about Labs? I 
>>> like to hear why people like certain breeds or why they dislike 
>>> certain breeds. Many schools are using Lab/Golden crosses now.
>>> Landon is one and he matches my red hair - and he has more grey than 
>>> I
> have! LOL!
>>> Lyn and Landon
>>> "Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is 
>>> like asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Eve Sanchez" 
>>> <celticyaya at gmail.com>
>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:53 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] A cane user interested in a dog guide
>>>> I myself would not worry about the location unless you want your 
>>>> training to double as a vacation. haha  I believe all schools will 
>>>> take you no matter where you are with maybe a couple of exceptions 
>>>> like one in NY and one in Texas. I myself chose based on multiple 
>>>> things. The breeds available, the amount and type of training 
>>>> avalable and yes, assitance and support afterwards. Ideally I would 
>>>> have gone to San Rafael as I am from Northern Cal originally and 
>>>> still have family right there, but I did not under any cercumstance 
>>>> want a labrador (no offense people). The school I chose have a 
>>>> variety of breeds, yes including poodles for the allergic. They also 
>>>> have Dobermans, shepherds, boxers, labs, goldens, and vizlas. I 
>>>> probably spelled that last one wrong. Once in a while they have 
>>>> crosses like labradoodles. Most are bred for the program and some 
>>>> are donations by breeders they work with. All are screened for 
>>>> suitability. The training process is there at the facility as I 
>>>> would have been very uncomfortable doing it at my home. Just me, but 
>>>> as I was also in process of moving it made sense. Look at all the 
>>>> schools online, call and talk to their staff, and make your own 
>>>> decision. I could tell you that my school is best, but it may not be 
>>>> best for you. Either way, be prepared, there will be people found 
>>>> who could tell you what is wrong with each school. Again, judge for 
>>>> yourself. I am also thinking you are not even sure at this point if 
>>>> a dog is right for you. For this I will tell you the same thing.
>>>> When I struggled with this, I had some very opinionated people tell 
>>>> me why I should not get a dog. I also had sympathetic wusses tell me 
>>>> it would be wonderful for me to be taken care of. What finally 
>>>> helped me decide was an incident in which I was left alone in a park 
>>>> and had no idea where I was. I realized at that moment that, though 
>>>> a cane helps me be safe, it does not tell me where to go. A cane is 
>>>> also crappy companionship when on your own. When I am in an unknown 
>>>> area with my dog, though some people say this is not true, I could 
>>>> tell my dog to find the sidewalk or whatever. She will and then once 
>>>> I have a landmark, I have my bearings and can go on from there. Yes, 
>>>> a cane is safe, but a dog gets you places AND is safe. You decide 
>>>> though and talk all that we say with what you think it is worth.
>>>> Blessed Be. Eve
>>>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Chantel Cuddemi 
>>>> <jawsgirl87 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I chose Pilot Dogs because they trained standard poodles, the breed 
>>>>> I chose to train with, and I also chose Pilot because they're right 
>>>>> here in Ohio.
>>>>> Good luck with whatever school you choose.
>>>>> Chantel and Motley.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Anjelina 
>>>>> Cruz
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:31 AM
>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] A cane user interested in a dog guide
>>>>> Good morning all,
>>>>> I am currently a cane user who recently has been interested in 
>>>>> choosing a dog guide school. How did you choose your school?
>>>>> Thanks for any feedback.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Anjelina
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