[nagdu] question about traveling to new places.

rhonda cruz rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 02:32:28 UTC 2013

hello everyone, i have a guide dog question. about eating wile going to new places.
 i'm planning to apply to a training program.
 for the blind, and i'm wondering if my guide dog will  eat any food, wile we are there.
 she is picky, wile we go to new places,
 she doesn't eat.
 she is a german sheppard. and she is 6 years old.
 what should i do.
 i want to do more traveling, and go more places,
 on my own with my dog,
 and have her ready wile we eat.
 just my thoughts, is it a sheppard thing.

 thanks from rhonda.

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