[nagdu] Suggestions needed!
Nicole Torcolini
ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Sat Aug 17 03:27:19 UTC 2013
Would requiring some kind of behavior test be considered too much
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Larry D. Keeler
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 8:13 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Suggestions needed!
Tami, I think the formost issue with me is does the dog behave when asked
and does the handler know how to handle the dog! Grooming and general health
is also important because iether the dog may be bringing its own pets with
it or sometimes, Not always, it can reflect badly on the handler. A handler
may be slipping in maintaining the dogs appearance due to lack of money,
time or just lack of interest. I know that many folks will disaggree with me
but I also think that an ID, tradmark harness or for owner trained teams
some kind of state issued sticker be obtained so that a service dog can be
distinguished from any other dog. A perfect example is my dughters friend.
She has a jack Russell terrier named Trouble! She is a owner trained hearing
dog. The dog is cute and well behaved but, I can forsee many folks confusing
her with a pet. For me, I wonder wher the line between being private about
why you need a dog and what that dog does for you conflicts with the general
publics seeming need to declare there dogs as service dogs! At some point,
there has to be a clear line instead of the big grey void folks seem to have
now. I met a woman at the train station last year on the way to convention.
William and I were taking the train and I sure hope she wasn't! At least she
wasn't in our car! Anyway, she had a little terier, and the thing barked,
growled and tried to come at our dogs! She had to walk down the tracks quite
away down the tracks and her dog was still going off! Interestingly, she
claimed it was for PTSD. That thing would have caused it instead of
relieving it! I really didn't know how to handle the situation other than
william and I controlling our dogs while hers cut loose! I mean, who or how
do you report a situation where the dog is clearly in dubious territory
iether because of its or the handlers lack of controlling behavior? At least
with guide dogs you can call a school or talk to a friend and check to see
if the behavior is normal for a service dog! And, I can tell good owner
trainers because they keep there dogs under control. I wonder what or how
penalties can be assessed to folks who are not being truthful about the
service or lack of services that the dog performs. As long as there is no
requirment that can't be faked or we are not required to have some proof
that the dog does the service. we'll always have folks sneaking nonservice
animals under the wire!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tami Jarvis" <tami at poodlemutt.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:39 PM
Subject: [nagdu] Suggestions needed!
> Okay, following up on Ken's suggestion, I opened my mouth and now have
> a writing project. I blame Ken! /grin/
> Seriously, I do think it might be nice to have some semi-formalized
> collection of those rules of etiquette that most of us here just take
> for granted and that we work so diligently to follow. The
> part of our rights and responsibilities. Most of those I have learned
> from a lot of you, whether it's what you learned from your schools or
> the experience of years of real world guide dog use. So this seemed a
> good place to ask again! /smile/
> What do we -- with "we" being responsible, considerate service dog
> users -- consider important when we take our dogs into public? What is
> good etiquette in our dogs? What is good etiquette for us humans?
> I'm thinking of a couple of categories for the dogs:
> 1) Grooming and health
> 2) public behavior
> For the humans... I haven't figured out neat categories for that yet.
> I'm thinking of good dog management -- keep the dog out of the aisle,
> stuff like that. Maybe a bit about how to manage lines and so forth.
> I think I'll include a "what to do when..." As we have seen from the
> convention debriefing... Not everybody knows that it's bad form to
> walk off and leave the smelling mess for someone to step in. Ugh! And
> what about those times your perfectly well trained dog goes klepto in
> the supermarket? I say pay for it; others say, "oh, well." I've only
> had to buy an unintended stuffed animal, if anyone is wondering. /lol/
> I have a few items I might address for interactions with other service
> dog users... Hm...
> Anyway, if anyone has suggestions they would like to see included, you
> can write me off list at tami at poodlemutt.com. It might also be fun to
> discuss some of these things on the list. I'm thinking of the recent
> discussion about riding in cabs. We all have different ways of doing
> the same thing and smoothing over the rough spots we encounter in a
crowded busy world.
> Tami
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