[nagdu] Event
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Sun Feb 24 16:29:11 UTC 2013
Thanks so much,
I'm pleased this is happening to others.
I have had dogs who thought faster than he does, but this doesn't bother me.
he needs encouragement where I have patients to show him once I
understand what to do.
Even I have to feel the door to think about what is happening.
he was wearing his canny collar so sniffing the floor wasn't the
problem this time.
I didn't want him to visit others as we were going to our table.
Thanks for writing.
Original message:
> Dar, you are absolutely right, he will figure it out.
> I am dealing with much the same issues at my place of work. Not at The
> School for the blind but around campus. All of a sudden everyone thinks they
> are an expert on how to Handle dogs. Mind you their new found expertise came
> about when I showed up with my girl last school year, Frown.
> It seems to be getting worse.
> I agree it is aggravating, but all you can do is politely at first speak up,
> if it persists, not so politely let people know you and your Boy are just
> fine.
> Don't get discouraged, it will all work out.
> It is amazing how our dogs become atuned to us and everything will click.
> B A Guerrero and Seeing Eye Dog Godiva
> guerrero.avila at sbcglobal.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 9:03 AM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Event
> yes we all were blind, where the lady who took me to the restroom was
> sighted.
> he is learing to find the door, where just not how to figure out a door that
> stand open, and what side to go in.
> I feel you can adjust accordinly.
> he wasn't looking for anything on the floor.
> He is a dog that is a slow thinker as I call it.
> I just feel as he builds up his confidence he will do what I am asking if
> folks would just leave us alone to get it done.
> A few more minutes in the bathroom isn't going to reck someones day.
> I had this problem in the mall.
> he walked up to a wall, then thinking of what to do next a lady grabs my arm
> starts pulling me rite to the bathroom.
> the dog would have done this, if the folks would have left me alone, to let
> him know we need to make a rite to get inside.
> It is things like this that drive me crazy.
> I know he can do this.
> When we are alone he does just fine.
> Just wanted to know what and how folks handle this when they are against the
> same matters.
> Original message:
>> Hi Dar,
>> Is your dog taught the find command.? If he is pat the stall in the
>> bathroom next time some one shows you where it is and the dog will
>> know how to find it. It hard for the dog the first time. Were everyone
>> in your group who went out to eat blind?
>> As you know there are about 40 of us who go out to dinner every 2
>> months. Last month only 21 of us showed for Chinese food. Its always
>> fun getting together and we pick different restaurants in different
>> towns. Sometimes I have Braille menu's made for certain restaurants.
>> Right now we are deciding where to go in March. One of my friends
>> mentioned Olive Garden (I have eaten there before). I mentioned the
>> diner the next town over from where I live since they have a private
>> room and love guide dogs.
>> Marilyn and Anna
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> --
> --Dar
> skype: dmgina23
> FB: dmgina
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> every saint has a past
> every sinner has a future
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